#36 Piano-led

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"Yes, Woo don't worry, I will take care of your little sunshine Subin while you guys sign your contract with your new landlord. Mhm mhm, oh come on, really? I am not as horny as Showki and we fucking won't do it while your son is around." Hoseok walked past the corridor with a face full of horror. "Please don't tell me they fucked each other in front of your two year old son? - oh my god, that is so disgusting. And you seriously think we are like that? Come on! When Hyungwon sees kids around, he completely forgets about me! Since you guys adopted him, Hyungwon won't stop talking about him! Every time he has Subin on his arm, I'm nothing but air!" Hoseok fake pouted at his phone even though he knew no one could see him as he walked up a few steps to the elevator.

"We'll pick up your little bear from yours around 8am on Sunday, ok? You guys have a nice day, and we'll take care of Subin, deal?" The muscular man waited for an affirmative answer from the man on the line as he pressed the button to call the elevator. "Good, we're looking forward to it. And please don't give Subin to Kihyun or Hyunwoo anymore. That's not a good idea." his face contorted as he heard what Seungwoo had to say. "Excuse me? Are the two of them abandoned by all the good spirits? They want to adopt a child too? God, we have to stop them for the child's sake!" Hoseok was more than horrified by the news but didn't want to delay the call any further when he heard Subin whining through the phone.

"I'll see you all the day after tomorrow night for Moonbin's graduation at the university, right?" the elder raised an eyebrow at Seungwoo's next sentence. "Why the hell is Kyubin in America? He promised to accompany us to Moonbin's prom? - What?" Hoseok laughed in shock and disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me." Hoseok was at a loss for words. "No, this can't be true. This idiot has all seriously managed to present an exhibition of pictures of his 'disguises' in America? I can't- This guy is a fucking mystery to me." Hoseok couldn't help but laugh heartily. On one hand he was proud of the older, on the other hand he couldn't believe Kyubin made it this far with his poorly self-made costumes. But of course he went viral with his Pikachu costume, so no wonder he has fans now.

"Well... Anyways, then at least we get to see everyone else. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again. It's been a few weeks to months since we all met together." Hoseok smiled into the phone. "Take care and give Subin a kiss on his chubby cheeks from me! Bye!" the elder listened to the little kissing sound, chuckled and pressed the red button on his phone and tucked it away in his pocket.

It was late afternoon when Hoseok came home from his work at the gym. He unlocked the door with the key Hyungwon gave him and let his eyes wander around the flat. The first thing he noticed was the smell of food rising through the flat. "Hey frog prince, I'm home. Did you cook?" He slipped off his shoes but got no answer. Had Hyungwon gone to sleep again? Hoseok closed the front door and went to look for his boyfriend.

To his surprise, Hyungwon was neither on the couch nor in bed. He was not at home. "He must be out shopping, right?" Hoseok whispered as he went into the kitchen and looked for a small note that Hyungwon usually left before leaving the flat. He hoped to find an answer on one of the notes. His eyes immediately fell on a small green note on the fridge. Hoseok picked up the note and read the message.

"My lovely Bunny,

the box on the kitchen table will help you to find me.

Yours, Froggo."

A slight smile spread across Hoseok's face as he read the familiar messy handwriting. His eyes wandered over to the kitchen table, which was not far from him, where he found a small box as described on the note. He opened the lid of the small box and confusion spread across his face.


Hoseok let out a small laugh as if to ask why Hyungwon would leave him this box. But then he remembered to find the younger one. So Hoseok took the small item out of the box that was probably responsible for the two of them meeting a year ago. Without the binoculars, Hoseok would probably have let the younger one just keep peeping. But in his opinion, the binoculars were too much of a good thing.

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