#8 hospital

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The sound of glass shattering woke me up. It was already bright outside. I looked around to find naked Minhyuk and half naked Seungwoo sitting in my kitchen, looking at the green glass shards on the ground next to them. "Oh... Fuck.... Sorry, Hoseok." They said with the same wasted voice in unison. "Ugh, what happened?" I asked when I tried to stand up but almost stepped on Moonbin instead. "Nnnhg, I hate you all! Let me fucking sleep!" He muffled into my carpet.

"Sorry" I whispered and tried to balance on the couch and jump from it to not wake up Moonbin who seemed wasted as fuck. Only when my feet hit the ground after my small jump from the couch I felt the alcohol from yesterday. My head ached and I had a hard time to stand straight. I reeled right into the bathroom where I threw up everything I ate and maybe drank the day before.

When I finished throwing up I looked to the right where I found Kyubin uncomfortably sleeping in the shower. His cheek pressed on the shower tray, hands behind his back and legs high up. There even was a drool flow from his mouth to the drain. "Oh my God, Kyubin hahaha!" I laughed at him but he didn't even care and continued sleeping in his uncomfortable posture. I can already see him showing up at my place the next day and wanting a massage....

I walked outside the bathroom into the kitchen where Minhyuk and Seungwoo sat with food stuffed cheeks and I instantly asked myself why my friends are so adorable. "God, guys you look so cute. No homo tho." I sulked artificially annoyed. Both of them blushed a bit and laughed. "Just admit you're gay, Hoho" Seungwoo teased me. I tried to change the topic as fast as possible. "I don't even remember when Kyubin came to my place yesterday." I sat on one of the chairs on the table with Minhyuk and Seungwoo. "Same...his sleeping position looks very comfy." Woo smirked at me and Minhyuk. Minhyuk spat the food in his mouth all over the table while laughing at Seungwoo's words.

"Where's Baekho? I remember him playing truth or dare with us." I asked in confusion, trying to complete the puzzle aka yesterday evening in my head. "I guess he had enough and left yesterday? I don't know man..." Minnie said while he wiped all the food he spat onto the table seconds earlier. We sat there for a while trying to put the individual parts together but failed completely. At some point we gave up and decided to wake up Moonbin and Kyubin and start cleaning my apartment together.

"What the fuck is this?" Moonbin laughed when he showed us a figure out of a foam kiss and pretzel sticks. "Aaaah I created this piece of art and sold it to Kyubin for 15 Dollars!" Minhyuk bursted out in tears. "You better give me back my money, Minhyuk!" Kyubin threatened with a pretzelstick in his hand lifting it up as if it was a knife. He was still drunk from yesterday. I wonder how he was able to walk. Right at this moment he stepped on a bottle, stumbled over it and fell to the floor.

"Oh fuck, are you ok, Kyubin?" Seungwoo worried but got disturbed by Minhyuk laughing, rolling on the floor. There was no answer. "Kyubin?" I said a bit louder. Still no answer. "Fuck!" I kneeled down next to him and slapped his face a few times. No reaction. This situation reminded me of the day before yesterday but this time it wasn't funny or cute, like Hyungwon. Kyubin hit his head on the stairs from the kitchen to the living room. Suddenly all the remaining alcohol from last night washed away. "Someone call 119, please!" I panicked.

After ten minutes full of panic and uncertainty, constantly searching for Kyubin's pulse and listening to his breathing, finally the emergency doctors arrived. It all happened very quickly. They lifted Kyubin onto a stretcher, strapped him down and carried him into the ambulance. "I'll follow them. Please make sure to clean my apartment, ok? If there are news I will contact you!" I hastily said while leaving my place. "I'm coming with you, Hoseok!" Moonbin shouted and followed me.

On the way outside an old woman crossed our way. "This is already the second time today that a young man is picked up by an ambulance. The youth of today is insane. When I was youn-" I just ignored her grumpy old woman shit and ran to Kyubin who already was in the ambulance. Moonbin and I also got into the car. The emergency doctor closed the doors and the engine started.

It only took us a few minutes to get to the hospital where we waited for Kyubin. Suddenly a doctor walked outside the treatment room where our friend was in. "Mr. Shin's family?" There was no way to get a single information out of the man without being a relative so we both just nodded to get more information about Kyubin's health. "So your brother can consider himself lucky. When he fell he only got a bump. No great injury." He reports. "Bu-But he was unconscious?" I asked.

"He just drank too much alcohol. So just to make sure he's ok we would like to keep an eye on him for one night. We will now take him to his room and then you can visit him there. It's station B room 514." Both of us nodded again and started walking to the room. The hospital was big so we struggled a bit to find the right room but when we found it we knocked the door and entered the room.

The first thing I heard was a loud screech which made me jerk. In panic I looked in the direction of the loud noise. "This cannot be true! This is Hyungwon's weird neighbour, Honey!" The person screamed while pointing in my direction with his index finger. His face full of horror and disbelieve. It didn't take long before I realized who I was facing. It was that weird shrimp friend of my neighbour Hyungwon.

"You dared to pin me on the wall? Do you even know who I am? IM!! CHANGKYUN!! I top everyone! Shall I show you how to top other people?" His feet trampled on the ground until he stood directly in front of me. His face outraged by my meant-to-be funny actions from the day before yesterday. I was so perplexed that I could not say or do anything. Until I could see he pushed me against the wall and wanted to hit me with one of his fists. Before he was able to do so Moonbin and another guy stopped the furious small man from his actions.

"Kyun calm down. Hyungwon needs a quiet place and we do not want to have someone else injured in the hospital, ok? I'll take care of that pervert fellow." The blonde man said when he made the still furious little man sit down on one of the chairs. He turned around and made a few steps in my direction. "So you dared to pin my boyfriend against the wall just like that? Are you crazy?" He whispered but I was able to hear the threatening tone in his voice.

"Can we please continue your little discussion later? Kyubin is awake." Moonbin said when he walked to Kyubin. We stopped our little fight and cared about Kyubin first. "I should've stopped when you guys wanted to go to bed but I was so excited so I drank alone and maybe it was a bit too much." Was his excuse. We scolded him and told him to never scare us like this again. He agreed and we talked a bit about yesterday until Moonbin had to leave for work.

"Hoseok, Kyubin? I have to leave now. I have an evening shift today and I shouldn't be late." "Ok no problem, see you soon. Thank you. Take care." I said when our friend was about to leave the room. He waved one last time and closed the door behind him. Kyubin fell asleep a while ago so the room was silent.

I looked to the right where the weird wolf-like guy sat still staring at me in frustration. I thought it was about time to talk to him. "What's your name and why are you here?" I asked the two boys. Both of them were shocked. "You dare to show up here and act completely unsuspecting? What did you do to Hyungwons you asshole? I will shove my hand up deep inside your ass and use you as a finger puppet you cocky piece of shit." The little man really had a lot of temperament. The blonde man behind him held him down when he was about to stand up once again. The two seemed more like a dog and his master to me.

But when I listened to his words I was shocked. "Wha-What do you mean? What should I have done to him?" I was confused. "He fucking collapsed right in front of my boyfriend! Don't act innocent, I know you're the one to blame!" It was the first time I took a closer look at the guy lying in the bed. Fuck, it was Hyungwon. I gulped in disbelief.

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