#34 piano keys

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His soft lips curled up as he saw the slender man, who was standing in the doorframe. Hyungwon looked at him, as if he had found a treasure that had been lost for many centuries. His round eyes were shining, it seemed as if he was holding back tears of joy. No one said a word. The two stared at each other unblinkingly as if in a staring contest. Hoseok's smile grew bigger by the second, showing his perfect teeth.

The elder thought carefully about what to wear before leaving Hyungwon's apartment for the airport. It had to be comfortable for the plane ride, but still sexy when he finally arrived at the hotel. And judging by Hyungwon's hungry look, he succeeded brilliantly. Hyungwon's mouth was open, his thick lips wide apart as he surveyed the older man in front of him. His eyes wandered from his tight black stretch jeans, over his wide soft sweater to his neck.

When he saw what Hoseok was wearing around his neck, his breath got stuck not only in his neck but also in other parts of his body. Hoseok was wearing a black lace choker with a fine gold ring on the front.

As Hoseok was putting away his belongings in Hyungwon's apartment, he couldn't help but rummage through some of the pianist's things. Opening a thin drawer in the bedroom closet, he found a whole collection of chokers. Hoseok had never seen Hyungwon with one of these chokers, so he assumed they were not for himself. And damn it, Hoseok couldn't have been more right in his assumption. And Hyungwon's look confirmed his conjecture.

The pianist searched for words, but the sight before him was so impressive that Hyungwon forgot how to speak. Instead of speaking, he cautiously raised his hand, turning his gaze from the accessory around Hoseok's neck to his face. His long fingers tentatively rested on the soft pink cheek, which was still pressed upward by a euphoric smile. Only now did Hyungwon notice how red Hoseok's face was. However, he couldn't make out if it was from running all the way to the hotel room or if he was so happy to finally see the younger man again.

But Hyungwon decided that no matter what it was that made Hoseok's face so red, he just looked adorable. His thumb stroked the pink cheek and his fingers slowly moved down to the choker that Hoseok stole from Hyungwon's collection. His index finger traced the patterns of the lace, but Hyungwon's eyes never left the older man's as he did so. His lips still open, as if a whole waterfall of words were running from his thick lips, but all that came out was a faltering breath.

His index finger reached the fine gold ring, lifting it to insert the finger into the ring. Hoseok felt a brief tug at his neck, where Hyungwon's eyes now lingered. Nervously, he looked down and gradually fixed his gaze on the younger's thick lips. He tracked the taller's hungry gaze as he ran his own tongue over his lip to moisten it.

"Fuck-" Was the only thing Hyungwon stuttered as he pulled harder on the strap around Hoseok's neck, causing the older to stumble forward a few steps and come to a stop in Hyungwon's chest. He lifted his gaze to look the pianist in the eye, hoping Hyungwon would finally do what his gaze had been screaming all along.

But to his disappointment, Hyungwon averted his gaze, to the suitcase behind Hoseok. "We'll deal with that later-" he said as he took the suitcase by the handle and let it roll past him and Hoseok into the hotel room, his finger still loose in the fine gold ring attached to Hoseok's neck. "Now I have to 'take care of you' first." he whispered into the older man's ear while grinning mischievously. Hoseok knew very well that the younger one was alluding to the request as he asked Hyungwon to give him a blowjob for the first time. He felt goose bumps forming all over his body, caused by the mixture of younger's addictingly low voice and the nasty thoughts his mind started to build up. His mind fantasized about all the things Hyungwon will do to him, his mind built up a perfect scene with a fascinating climax - just like a house of cards which was ready to collapse. And hell yes, he was ready to collapse for Hyungwon.

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