Chapter 1

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Darkness enveloped the cursed and forgotten forest. In this forest no sane human being dared to tread. In this forest the trees withered and died away leaving tall and leafless trunks to block out all traces of sunlight. In this forest there lived a creature of darkness. Now, nothing could be seen except for a pair of blood red eyes gleaming in the night. Slowly, a woman with evil dwelling within her heart approached this dark creature bearing the red eyes. She spoke in a soft and terrifying whisper, "Creature of darkness, I call upon you to come forth to me and aid me!" The creature did not reveal itself but spoke in a menacing voice which brought the woman down to her knees. "With every request, there comes a deadly price," it said slowly, "and I highly doubt that you are in any position to make demands. You have walked into my hidden forest unwelcome. This is where witches and wolves roam under my command and I think that you shall make a very tasty treat for some..." "Please, listen to my plea... I intend to bring about the death of my filthy sister and father. They are the rulers of the kingdom which has cursed you to forever roam this forest. I need your help as they are slowly growing in strength," she finished angrily. This had captured the creature's interest and drawn it in like a fish on a hook. The woman knew this was the opportunity to act and so she carried on. "I know that you are imprisoned here in this dark abyss but if you help me in bringing about the downfall of the kingdom and placing me in my rightful place upon the throne, I shall grant you your freedom along with all of your dark companions" The creature, still cloaked in darkness, revealed a set of sickly, yellow teeth which appeared as though they could easily cut through metal, to the woman and spoke," It appears as though you are a very persuasive woman and your offer is hard to resist. I thirst for revenge and hunger for freedom. In return for my services I request your blood which I can see has traces of royalty still flowing in it. When the deed is done I want to feast upon one of your fingers for reasons of my own..." The woman was horrified but nodded reluctantly. Blue eyes showed fear and her grimy brown hair flowed down her face. Her voice slowly trembled as she spoke, "Meet me in a cave outside of the castle and we can discuss what action to take against the kingdom. Until then farewell creature of darkness." An intense fear had been growing inside of her this entire time. She knew how great a risk it was to come and consult a creature of this power but her hatred had fuelled her need to do so and so here she was making a deal with a creature that even the most powerful of magicians feared. She quickly turned to leave but the red eyes froze her in place and the creature said, "My name is not known to you and you should be more grateful that you still remain ignorant of my appearance and yet I must know the name of the person who is trying to bring about the downfall of the prosperous kingdom. So tell me now – what is your name?" "I am Drea Archiamedia," she said simply and with that she walked out of the forest leaving those red eyes to melt away into the darkness...

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