Chapter 20

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Cigam finally arrived at the kingdom. He saw it but hardly wanted to believe it. It was in ruins. Completely destroyed. But there were many tents pitched up around the area with flags upon them. He saw Seralin's flag with the ancient tree in the middle crossed by two spears. He saw Harold's circular flag with a star upon it, each corner representing a different meaning. The top was a moon, left a sun and right a lightning bolt. The bottom two corners were a cloud and heart respectively. Then, surprisingly, he saw Astelovix's flag depicting a beautiful, lush green forest with the words "The path of a warrior". Then, he saw his kingdom's proud flag. It was in the shape of a scroll with a valley and beneath that a sun made of flowers.

Cigam was aghast. He saw movement in the far tents and went to investigate. He saw all of the kings talking rapidly with Hersage there too. Cigam gave a light cough in order to indicate his presence. Veldon looked at him in surprise and spoke quickly, "Cigam, you're back! Is my daughter here?"

"No," he replied, "I was no longer required to assist them. What happened?"

Seralin turned to speak, "Have my twins not informed you?"

"I did meet two on my here. I presume that I have missed the message?"

Veldon quickly retold all of the events. The story continued to frighten the king more and more. Cigam had no words.

Veldon looked at him, "I am disappointed my friend. I trusted you to protect my daughter to your death."

Cigam dramatically protested, "She has Salvatora and will soon have Seralin's men alongside her. She also has the boy bearing the mark who is powerful. I was wasting time there! I thought that I could have been more help here at the kingdom."

Veldon thought for a moment, "You are right. Forgive me. You and Hersage are and will remain to be my dearest friends whom I need at the moment.

Hersage smiled, and added, "I am now known as Hersage, Conqueror of Fire," he drew his sword murmuring ignis and thus setting the blade ablaze. "Don't you think swordsman are more valuable now?"

Cigam didn't reply but created a ball of fire and shaped it into a sword. Then only did he speak, "Shall we find out?"

"Enough!" shouted Veldon, "You two have been arguing about this matter for far too long. Tomorrow, you fight in a battle and end this dispute."

Both men looked in horror but could not argue with their king.

"Veldon is this wise?" asked the plump figure of Harold.

"It could be dangerous," agreed Seralin.

"It must be done," replied Veldon, "I want to establish who should go into battle first. Magician or swordsman? That way the one will weaken Domitates and the other finish him off. My best magician and swordsman will gladly show us who the stronger is. The men need entertainment."

"My twins can provide enough of that! But if you insist." Seralin thought that it was bad timing but also thought that he had to maintain peace within this tent.

Astelovix spoke for the first time who, until this point, had been studying Cigam intently. He said, "I finally remember where I have seen you. You wanted to pass through my kingdom and it seems that you have without my knowledge. I demand your life right now."

Hersage was amused. Only Cigam could disrupt a gathering as big as this.

Veldon brought order back, "He was on my official business. Leave him be."

Astelovix scowled but retreated.

Veldon spoke once more, "Hersage, Cigam, please leave now."

They left, each worrying about the next the day.

The four kings had been speaking of how to destroy Domitates but none knew. Finally, Seralin, who had this question hanging on his tongue said, "Veldon, tell us, how did you defeat him last time?"

Veldon sighed, "I used someone's blood mixed with royalty to be able to command him."

"But why can't you use it now?" he persisted.

"At that time, the man was but a three year old child. Unaware and willingly, he gave us the blood. This story remains unknown to him. If he knew the complications of the tale now, then he would not give us his blood. The enchantment only works if the blood is given to us voluntarily."

Harold asked, "Then surely we must at least ask him if he will, right? He would give it up to save his kingdoms."

"Another thing is that young blood is innocent. That was essential," said Veldon.

Astelovix added his voice in to the mix, "If your daughter is retrieving the weapon that can kill him, then why don't we just wait?"

Veldon thought it to be obvious, "She needs a chance to strike with it. Our men need to give her that chance."

"I see."

Seralin sighed, "In that case, we rest upon the hard floor of your kingdom till your daughter arrives."

Astelovix sneered, "One daughter went bad, what makes you think the other won't?"

Veldon drew his sword pointing it straight at Astelovix's heart. Seralin drew his own and told them to cease what they were doing.

"Not now. We need to stay strong together," he pleaded.

Veldon placed his sword back in its sheath.

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