Chapter 28

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Nothing happened to Stefan. Anne had quickly reached for his arm and held it tight. Stefan smiled inwardly. Domitates continued to cast 'morte' at the boy but nothing would happen.

"The mark has been awakened," Salvatora said, "Your time is quickly coming to an end. You will die soon."

Domitates quickly processed this and then looked at Jake. "You look like your mother."

Jake spat at him, "I hate you."

Domitates replied, "Mutual feelings my boy. But the thing that I hate even more right now is that I'm about to..."

Stefan did not have time to launch an attack and so just finished the dark creature's sentence, "...vanish again."

"We'll kill him. For Richard," Anne said.

A while later, Stefan could not help but break the tension over the question on everyone's lips. "Why am I not dead?"

Salvatora looked at him, "Morte!" she said sadly.

Nothing happened to him.

Jake then answered the question, "You're immortal. Invincible. You cannot die."

The words hung heavy in the air.

"The curse," Anne whispered, "What can be worse than seeing everyone you know die, but you never do?"

Stefan looked around, worried, "Will I stay like this forever?"

Salvatora shook her head, "You will age and age and age. But you will not die."

"Then I've still got time to live. I will find a way to get rid of my immortality but in the mean time, Domitates will have a hard time keeping up with me."

Jake shuddered. He hoped that Stefan would not blame him for what had occurred. An immortal enemy was very dangerous.

The group had found a place to rest for the night. Anne lay awake, gazing up at the starry sky. Chirps could be heard all around but otherwise, it was quiet. Her breathing was smooth and even. She felt better. But the child in her was gone. The child had died and in its place was a woman who had experienced far too much in her life. She sighed. She lived for one thing now. It was close by. It was a man. That night, that man had whispered in her ear to follow him further away from where the others were sleeping. She obediently followed him. She now stared into the eyes of Stefan.

"So much has happened," Stefan said.

"It's not fair. My sister brought this all about!"

"We must end it."

"How do you feel Stefan?"

The question surprised him, "Fine?"

It was more of a question than a statement.

"Your immortality frightens me."

"Don't worry. I will get rid of it but we need it to destroy the evil."

"I don't know what's happening back home."

"We will find out soon enough. Whatever happens, I will be there with you."

Anne smiled and looked away, "I didn't like you when I met you."

Stefan's heart skipped a beat, "Why?"

"I knew you were evil. You seemed cruel and malevolent."

"And now?"

"Now I see you differently."

"How so?"

"You're good now."

Stefan dropped his head, discouraged.

Anne saw this and slowly lifted his head up, her hands encompassing his face.

She spoke softly, "The funny thing is, I still don't like you. Now, I feel as though I love you."

Stefan looked into her eyes, relief flowing through his being. "I love you too."

Then they kissed. They were in perfect bliss. They created a golden light of happiness without the need of any magic or legends. Nothing could ruin their happiness. Nothing could ruin their memory. They were together now. They spoke through the night and eventually they fell asleep, each dreaming of the other. Each dreaming of their kiss.

Morning came and Jake saw the leaf carrying a message. "It hurts to see those. They remind me of Richard."

Salvatora sighed and listened to the message. She called everyone forward. She quickly told them of all that had happened from when Cigam had left to the golden sword. Anne began to cry when she had heard that her home was destroyed.

"At least everyone is still alive," said Stefan.

"Veldon was a genius to have thought of that plan!" Salvatora exclaimed.

Jake smiled, "So there were three weapons to kill Domitates. The bow, the sword and him," he indicated to Stefan.

"The creature is certainly going to have a hard time surviving, especially with the wolves on our side," said Salvatora.

She then handed the device to Jake and told him to re-tell their story.

Veldon was worried at what had happened to Anne. Domitates was making so much happen between him and his daughter. They would be home soon.

"Soon," he told himself.

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