Chapter 10

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"Feira, Aquas, Aeriatoria... You are the leaders of the Fire, Water and Air Clans. My newly acquired magician tells me the princess will be killed shortly. I have faith in him. Surprisingly, Drea had been killed breaking me free of my oath. I need the three of you to gather all of your followers and retrieve her dead body because I still wish to feast upon her finger... That will be your task Aeriatoria for you are Air Clan, swiftest of them all. Then I want to eliminate this pathetic army that Veldon has risen. It only consists of humans who think that they can handle a sword. Feira, Fire Clan- strongest of all- I want you to kill each of those human beings. Warn Hersage so that the battle can actually be worthwhile for you. Give him time to organise his men. Lastly, Aquas, your clan possess the strongest magical ability. You will remain by my side to protect me at all times. I do not want to have to waste any power on an attempted attack on me. All of my wolves have been sent to see the situations in the neighbouring, less powerful kingdoms. Do you understand?" Domitates gazed at all three witches in turn.

First to speak was a woman who appeared to be wrapped around in flames. She wore a red, pointed hat and had the red medallion around her neck symbolising her power over the Fire Clan. She spoke in a rough voice as smoke left her mouth, "None will survive my wrath." and disappeared.

The witch of air wore her transparent medallion around a long neck. A small breeze seemed to follow within her footsteps as eyes that continuously changed colour blinked. A long, white gown was what she wore as she approached the dark creature. Aeriatoria then spoke," My lord, I am proud to be able to help you in your campaign. My mind ponders over what the value of that finger is though?"

"Ah... A very inquisitive mind my fair witch. This finger carries the blood of her father, the one who imprisoned me and so I see it fit as a trophy. One of which I shall wear. From it, I can gain more power against the Archiamedias family. Something that can prove to be very valuable." He gave a piercing and cold laugh that echoed through the forest. He stood tall and bent above the witch clan leaders. Aeriatoria gave a low bow and vanished, a small swirling wind left in her wake.

Last to stand was Aquas, Water Clan. She appeared to be the calmest of all. Her golden hair seemed to move such as the waves, over her back and she had a beautiful and intricate sea shell hanging over her chest. This was her medallion. She spoke in a whisper but it was clearly heard," I will die protecting you!"

"Thank you Aquas," Domitates said as he revealed his fang.

"My apologies for the failed attack on the princess at the dam. I assure you that my clan will redeem themselves."

Aquas raised her arms and gave a shrill command in a strange language. Slowly, hundreds of witch's emerged from the forest. Each had a grey colour to themselves with black rings on their hands. They first bowed to Domitates and then to their leader.

Domitates was pleased. "Veldon cannot win!" he screamed.

Aquas spoke softly, "There is a small problem my master. There is a scroll which contains the power to... To kill you."

Domitates roared. "Why when every one of you cursed witch's pledged yourselves to me, was I not informed as to this!"

"It seemed very minor."

"Oh yes I understand. Something that can kill is very, very minor. No problem at all! How can one be so ignorant? Of course it is essential. I could have destroyed it by now."

"Master, only royalty can retrieve it. It is so powerful that not even I, or you for that matter, can get anywhere close to it. I am also sure that Salvatora has put up more defences since we serve you. It just seemed irrelevant that you should worry about it."

Domitates growled," I will deal with you and all of your kind later. Now, I must stop anyone who tries to reach it."

"Let me," offered Aquas," My clan and I shall do it gladly.

Domitates called forth three of the water witches to come and guard him and then he melted away into the darkness leaving Aquas alone. There was a deathly silence and a voice spoke which came from every direction at Aquas. The words were, "Fail and you die."

Aquas gave a worried nod and vanished.

Had you wandered into that forest a few minutes earlier, you would be dead. Now, all there was were trees casting dark shadows.

Anne, Cigam, Salvatora and Stefan had just begun their journey. Each were equipped with a sword, dagger, a potion made by the ice witch to heal a wound and a small bag with ropes, food and water.

The four travellers were making their way towards Anscancar to retrieve the scroll. The mountain, interestingly enough, was situated just a few days walk north of the mountain where Stefan had nearly perished. The scroll had a spell which constantly changed as if it had a mind of its own and so it could never be memorized but its result was always the same – the weapon that was to be the death of the dark creature. This spell was never used as it is dangerous and Veldon assumed that since the dark creature was already imprisoned, the need to use that did not arise. But now, with death knocking on the door of the kingdom, no other hope remained. The four travellers had to traverse across their kingdom and enter the realm of the lesser kingdom ruled by King Astelovix. Sadly, to get a safe passage through his kingdom would be difficult as he was not well acquainted with Veldon. They would then have to reach the highest peak of Anscancar which was two weeks behind Astelovix's kingdom. Reaching that peak would be the hardest part as blizzards raged the mountain and many wolves also roamed those areas, some of which served Domitates. The witch would then locate the precise area where the scroll lay in a cave.

Hersage had decided to stay at the castle with Veldon for protection.

Everything seemed to be in place and a new hope lit inside everyone's heart.

The problem: Stefan.

After travelling for two days, the group had finally reached a huge expanse of water separating them from Astelovix's kingdom. During these two days Stefan had always lingered at the back of the group, never talking. Salvatora found this to be very strange but did not think too much of it as she assumed he was still a bit shocked after his encounter with Domitates. Cigam had never left Anne's side and was always alert for danger. They all decided that it was best they spent the night at the lake before making their way around it to the kingdom. They had a small meal and then settled down to sleep. Stefan glanced towards Anne to see if his chance was coming but was disappointed to see the magician wide awake and looking after her. He decided it was best to let his secret unknown yet.

Salvatora spoke," It seems we have company for the night."

Hundreds of witches walked across the lake towards the camp with Aquas in the lead.

Cigam rose slowly," This will be fun."

Anne raised her head and drew her sword.

Stefan frowned. He wondered if the dark creature did not have enough faith in him. He wanted the glory of killing the princess. So he decided that he would help them to help himself. He smiled wickedly.     

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