Chapter 17

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"Beautiful!" Harold smiled. His was a short man with red hair, brown eyes and freckles. None considered him to be far too handsome but his caring heart and proud attitude earned him the hearts of many. He marvelled at Richard's amazing piece of music. Hersage still felt as though he was in a dream listening to his music even though he should already be used to it. Harold's kingdom was a day's journey and Hersage felt fresh and strong. He had learned a bit more about the Alenti twins and found them fascinating. Jake Alenti was wise and intelligent and spoke with authority whilst Richard was like a child trapped in an adult's body. He was free and loving always interested in a game or challenge. But he also learned that both were deadly with a sword. Alone, they could not stand against Hersage or even a beginner swordsman but they had learned techniques to use together and their combinations were horrifyingly deadly. They had managed to convince Harold to join and he would personally go immediately to Veldon. His warriors were all strong and fearless and excited of the prospect of killing Domitates. Seralin had heard via his kingdom's ingenious communications system that Veldon's Kingdom was in ruins and this convinced Harold to go aid his friend. Now all that Hersage needed to do was to ask Astelovix to join.

Anne was freezing. They were resting for the night just one day away from Salvatora's cottage where they would rest and equip themselves. Her teeth rattled together as she spoke to Stefan. The two were becoming closer to each other constantly talking even when Cigam and Salvatora pleaded with them to give everyone a moment of silence.

Stefan always smiled at her and she drifted into sleep he continued to gaze at her. Eventually he fell asleep.

"I'm in a dark abyss. I cannot see nor can I hear. I am truly terrified. I search for the circle with intersecting lines upon my hand. But of course, I cannot see it. My breathing comes out icy and rapidly. I see two red lights in the distance. My eyes cry with joy at the new sight. The lights come closer and closer, an intense heat accompanying them. I began to move away, the heat far too scorching. But I couldn't move. The heat reached me, engulfing me in its licking flames. The eyes reached me and I saw him again. I was dead..."

Stefan awoke with a start, sweating. Dawn was approaching and he saw Anne and Cigam asleep. He heard footsteps. He rose shouting "Seuer cum luxae". Light shone around their temporary dwelling revealing Salvatora.

"Easy there," she whispered.

Stefan extinguished the light muttering his apologies.

"You are troubled my pupil. What is wrong?"

Stefan was silent for a while and then his voice came out shaky, "The darkness has not completely left me. I constantly feel angry at trivial matters and sometimes hate the world and everything in it."

Salvatora nodded, "You have done more than encountered the creature of darkness, you have served him, listened to him, felt him. But you are not evil. Your memories have been poisoned. But he cannot ever harm you again."

"What's stopping him?"

"Fear Stefan, fear. You are possibly the strongest magician ever to breathe and you are still young and inexperienced. He felt your strength. If Zenodius the werewolf believed your death spell to be a threat, then so did Domitates. He will only fight you once he has allies with him."

"I have to kill him then, before he comes to me."

"In a few days, we will have a weapon to kill him. Have patience."

"How long must I wait?"

"A few days journey. He will succumb to us."

Stefan pondered for a moment. "What is happening with the kingdoms? Are they winning? Why doesn't Domitates just personally go and destroy them all?"

"Slowly Stefan. He wants to weaken them. When you were born, he was defeated without the help of any powerful weapon. The witches cast spells on him. The wolves attacked. Humans struck with their swords. He could not defend such an onslaught."

"Salvatora, I still do not understand! How was he finally banished? How did Veldon do it?"

"Ah, it is a secret. A closely kept secret between myself and Veldon and another man. Domitates does not even know it. Veldon and I figured it out on our own and swore an oath not to reveal it to anyone."

"Who is the third party?"

"A young child then, an adult now. He himself has forgotten. Enough now, we set out to our home."

In the warmth of the Ice Clan witch's home, Anne gazed at the books and her surroundings. Stefan inhaled deeply and felt an abundance of happiness. He was home. He felt free of all hate. Cigam rarely spoke on the trip at all. Who was he to speak to anyway? Anne was occupied with her infatuation of Stefan and he likewise whilst Salvatora kept to herself. He was also jealous of Stefan for he knew him to be far more powerful than he. This all led to the huge argument that occurred between the witch and Cigam.

Stefan had been showing Anne his room, their hands slowly interlocking during this process when they heard the shout. Their hands immediately shot apart but then they realised what was happening.

Salvatora shouted, "We need you here. You made a promise to Veldon to stay and protect her."

Cigam replied equally as loud, "Your pupil is more than capable of helping. But my king needs me. Who knows what has happened since we have left. He could be dead for all we know. We've had no connection with anyone since Astelovix and probably won't in any due time!"

Salvatora sighed, "Your mind is made up. I'll pack your belongings together."

Cigam left the room.

A few days later, Hersage arrived at Astelovix's kingdom only to be chased away. The tall figure had asked to have full possession of the Alenti twins in return for his service only to be met with another denial. "May Domitates destroy you," Hersage said.

Astelovix replied, "I survived once, I can do it again. You hadn't helped me; I'm just returning the favour." They left him be. Astelovix sighed. He felt awful and thought that he looked the part too. Maybe he needed to see the sun, feel the joy of battle again. But who should he fight for? He yearned to send his men to kill the other kingdoms. But they were in the majority now. Maybe he should help fight against Domitates. Forget his grudges and move on. He sent his guard to catch Hersage and inform him that they would arrive at Veldon's kingdom with haste. Hersage had succeeded and he could hardly believe it. It was time to head home.

The Alenti twins spoke softly to each other. Jake said, "What part must we play in this war?"

Richard shook his head, "With so many men how can we lose?"

Jake replied, "We were three years old at his death. We did nothing then, I think we should repeat history now."

"Brother, maybe we should not. Then we were helpless. Together now, we are deadly in combat. He killed our parents. Now we kill him."

Jake shot up a picture of a man on his legs, two twins repeatedly thrusting their swords through him. Richard summoned his magic creating six strings in the air and strumming then to create ghostly music to go with the scene. The golden-brown and emerald green eyes of the two men met with a victorious smile. Seralin approached them. I have heard that the princess known as Anne has gone to seek out something within the icy mountains. I want you two to go and protect her. I have used your devices of communication..." he paused while they smiled, " contact Larincia who is already at the kingdom. Tell her and her companions the following: that all of the witches have been killed but at a high price. Every warrior and magician with the exception of a rare few are dead and the kingdom exists no more, ravaged by a hurricane. Domitates has hurt Veldon but now he is fine. The wolves have turned against Domitates now."

The Alenti twins listened with shock. "Right away!" they said. They boarded upon two horses after being told where Anscancar is and set off.

While Hersage had convinced the stubborn king to join the war, Cigam was well on his way home. He would eventually meet the twins mumbling something along the lines of, "Like she needs more admirers." He would encounter no one or meet any problems on the way home.

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