Chapter 8

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Zenodius placed the unconscious boy at Domitates's feet. The dark creature nodded in approval."Well done,"

The creature of darkness placed his hand on the head of this powerful magician.

"Awaken!" he commanded.

Stefan's eyes shot open and he stared into the creature's eyes of which he had only seen in the witch's memories. He weakly raised his arm, "Cum ignis cremo". A burst of fire erupted and hit the dark creature.

"Well done," Domitates said amused," But surely you can do just a bit better"

Stefan felt a huge pain in his chest and realised that that is where Salvatora's spell had hit him. He knew that Domitates would be able to turn his mind to evil from what the witch had told him and with all the strength that he possessed he screamed into the night," morte!". Domitates felt the power in the death spell and screamed it back in return to strike down the boy...

Deeper within the forest Zenodius rested up in a tree. He thought back to all of his accomplishments in the past and realised that it was indeed a good life here with his master. His name was spoken amongst many warriors and it filled him with pride at how well known he was. Just as his now heavy eyelids began to close, he heard a boy scream the death spell. He immediately leaped off of the tree converting into his fast paced wolf form and ran to save his master.

Zenodius entered the clearing and witnessed a streak of pure blue light directing its way to the black figure of his master. Then the sound of morte filled the air once more. The wolf could sense that the boy's power was greater and so he jumped and met Stefan's spell. It him directly on the chest and the fierce wolf that had killed millions instantly died. To make matters worse, the spell that Domitates had been charging had finally been released hitting the already dead wolf in mid-air. Nothing remained of Zenodius, the shape-shifting wolf.

When Stefan saw that his spell had hit the wolf he knew that he had no power left. He was finished the dark creature would capture his mind and turn it to one of pure evil. So, in an attempt to cast one last spell as a true magician he said '' Aquae artus ascensus,'' and a ball of water humiliatingly hit the dark creature on the face. Domitates reached down and touched Stefan on his face. His heart turned to evil and now Veldon had to fear an evil and powerful magician.

Domitates laughed in triumph. He planned on sending Stefan into the kingdom to gain the trust of the king and then he would strike from within. The loss of some insolent, overconfident wolf had given him the power of a boy bearing the mark.

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