Chapter 32

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Salvatora smiled, "Well done everyone!"

Stefan held Anne tight, "But what about the wolves."

Veldon said, "You can easily kill them. Do so!"

Anne shouted, "Are you mad! Those are the last nine wolves over there."

Salvatora nodded, "I will go and try to reason with them immediately."

She left.

The nine wolves were eventually convinced and then demanded to have Jake's blood instead. Anne protested against this but Veldon said that it had to be done. Even Stefan was appalled.

"Jake Alenti doesn't deserve that," said Stefan, "No one does."

Jake looked subdued, "I want to die. My brother is gone. I'm not evil. Just lonely and lost. I need to leave this world."

Stefan grabbed him by the shoulder, "Don't go down like that. Your father was a coward. You still have much to offer."

"Not in a world where I am hated," Jake glared at Stefan whose mark shone bright.

Stefan realised that he was gripping his shoulder too tightly. He loosened his grip. Jake shrugged it off. He stepped towards the wolf.

"Let me join you," he said, "Let me be a part of your race. Let me become a wolf. It is a way of bringing back a lost one."

Veldon then spoke to all, "The time for fighting is now over. Wolves, settle your dispute now and let the hate be over."

The wolves nodded. Jake looked expectantly towards Stefan, "You can do almost anything now."

Stefan thought of wolves and gave a wave of his hand. Slowly hair began to show on Jake. His teeth extended in size and his eyes turned yellow. He lifted up his head and howled to the moon. With that, the ten wolves ran off. For ninety more years they would run. But Jake Alenti would run for an eternity.

Stefan looked at Salvatora, "Do you think he will come back to hurt us?"

Salvatora sighed, "The dark creature has gone but he has planted his evil. Now, there will always be evil."

"The dark to accompany the light," Anne summed up.

Stefan sighed.

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