Chapter 27

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Veldon was satisfied. Domitates was finally going to die. He sent for Seralin to send a message via the twins' devices to find out what was going on with his daughter and so that they could exchange information. When this was done, he went to rest in his tent.

Percy peered inside after a while. Veldon smiled, beckoning him forward.

"Percy, you have been very reliable and fair. You are worthy of far higher a position. I can give you many fine gifts, but what would please you the most?"

Percy was surprised that he could choose. He thought for a while. Finally, he replied, "The kingdom needs to be rebuilt. May I be the one who designs the way it should look."

Veldon looked at him, "I want to see what you'll make this place look like first before we proceed but for now, yes."

"Then I want to teach."

"Teach? Teach what?"

"The children sir. I want to teach them the legends, the kingdoms, magic, wonders and how to build and create something."

"Once the kingdom has been rebuilt, you may," Veldon smiled, "But Percy, from where do you have this knowledge?"

"The long walks to deliver messages helped me. I would meet and talk with new people. Read books, hear stories and watch magic. I know more than I am credited for."

Veldon nodded, "Percy , the wise one."      

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