Chapter 13

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Veldon walked around his kingdom, his thoughts lost in an endless maze with no escape. People are dead. Everyone is dead. Smoke was in the air. Veldon had lost everything. Slowly, people emerged from their homes, seeing that victory was theirs. They cheered on their king. Veldon succumbed to his knees, "NO! NO! Why do you rejoice? One hundred thousand men died today. Dead. What is death? How can it be conquered? Who is death?"

Hersage staggered into the square seeing his ruler mumbling on the floor like a senile fool. He sighed. This war may very well destroy the king from within rather than from physical blows. Hersage spoke through gritted teeth, "Sir... There was nothing else we could have done. These children, smiling at you, acknowledging us as heroes, they all could have been dead. Those men out there died for us."

Veldon slowly rose, "Hersage, my friend. My mind is lost forever but my heart lives on. Eighteen years ago, these witches were on our side. We need more people. There are three kingdoms that surround us. The proud realm of Harold. The valley of the mighty Seralin. The depths of Astelovix's area. The first two owe us a debt. The third abhors us. You were young at the time but when Domitates ruled, we all fought separately and alone. We ended up saving Harold and Seralin's men though. Astelovix could not be helped. Gather your belongings and go make peace with the kingdoms and ask the kings to come meet me. Seek out Seralin's valley first. Bring a few magicians and warriors with you. Then go to Harold and all of you then go and convince Astelovix to abort his childish nonsense and to come listen to reason. Domitates will pay for his cruelty. Four kingdoms working in unison will be a mighty force. Go now, Hersage Conqueror of Fire."

Hersage silently marvelled over how he was to gloat about his title to Cigam.

"I will prepare for my journey"


Veldon walked away muttering mindlessly to himself.

Hersage gathered food, water and his one sword. His other was replaced by the long and powerful sword used by Feira. He studied it intently. Ignis was inscribed in swirling letters upon the hilt of the blade. It looked magnificent. The mind of Hersage was curious. He muttered "Ignis" whilst concentrating upon the sword. Instantly, it burst into flames which did not burn his hand. When he brought the sword over to a peice of extra clothing, it burst into sparks. Hersage felt immensely powerful. He would be spoken of in myths and legends alike.


The swords flame subsided. Hersage gathered the rest of his possessions and went to acquire a horse. He got one by the name of Mane. He prepared the horse, expertly climbed on and ushered it to the gates. He turned around to look at the kingdom. To others it was known as "The refuge of power". Fitting. It looked magnificent with the glass tower majestically looming over a land filled with flora and fauna. Birds fluttering and the lakes glistening. To Hersage, it appeared to be a fairytale description.

"And so the men lived happily ever after," Hersage sighed, "If only."

He looked at the lifeless bodies around him. Men with mouths half open in preparation to utter a scream. Fathers, husbands, good men. All dead, the blood now dry on them giving a horrific appearance. Hersage grumbled and turned away from the portmanteau world- beauty and horror combined. Hersage rode on with Mane through forests and shrubs. Open lands and cliffs where he had to carefully lead Mane.

The day was coming to and end. As he was scouting the area for a place to rest, three wolves began to run alongside him. He urged Mane to sprint but the wolves now had them circled. They slowly shifted into men with a savage look in their eyes. They all howled in unison, "For Zonodius!" and lunged at the swordsman, knives in both arms.

Hersage slipped off of Mane a second before the knives ran through empty air. Mane decided on instinct to flee the scene. She turned to run in the opposite direction and did not see Hersage on the floor where he had dived and had sprinted off, landing a foot right where Hersage's leg was. He howled in utter pain. Tears welled up within his eyes. So this is how it end he thought. A frightened horse running upon my foot. He knew it to be broken. His vision was beginning to blur and he saw black spots flickering across. The wolves in the form of men wasted no time in getting to the broken man. Hersage drew his sword and cried out the word ignis. The sword erupted into a frenzy of fire. He slashed it out in all directions, not caring what he hit. He made contact a few times but he never ceased to just hit out with the sword. He hoped and prayed that he brought the wolves down with it. After what seemed to him like a centuries worth of aimless slashing the blade fell from his grasp. He looked around as the flames subsided, seeing three dead men with a shocked expression. He smiled. Nothing could defeat him. A sudden pang of pain surged through his leg and he was unconscious. 

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