Chapter 16

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Aeriatoria, the Wind Clan leader, swift and fast, she was dangerous and the last leader who was evil. She simply transformed into the wind and blew into the castle seeking out the dungeons. There she found the untouched body of Drea now cold and reeking of death. Veldon had been far to hurt by her death and had ordered no one to lay a finger upon the body or to enter that specific place. This was all far too easy and simple. She drew her knife and cut off the finger. Her eyes changed from red to purple to orange. She whispered to the wind and one of her witches sprang out of no where. The witch seemed elegant and beautiful in contrast to the other clan's followers. Aeriatoria whispered in a soft voice but it was quite audible, "Take this to Domitates with haste!"

"Immediately." She vanished. The Air Clan leader gave a relieved sigh. Domitates had been furious with other clan leaders' defeats. He could hardly believe it and his rage extended to such a far extent that he went out and killed several packs of wolves out of pure anger. This in turn angered the different kinds of wolves who stated that they still opposed the kingdoms but would no longer serve under the creature of darkness but rather roam free. Domitates vanished and wasn't seen or heard for days after that. A rough voice spoke, "I suggest you leave now. Leave to death."

Aeriatoria spun around to meet Veldon accompanied by three warriors. She smiled.

"Do you know what your pathetic daughter there called this entire battle? She called it the downfall of the kingdom. Fitting. But it is only your kingdom that we despise. The others are worthless. Weak. They're not a threat as you are. Look, you have last all of your men and yet you still fight on willing to take upon Domitates alone. I think that you are lucky that he has yet to come attack you personally. Maybe he fears that you pull of another surprise victory. Let me show you what the wind can do!" With that, she raised her hands and screamed and ear-splitting command. Outside, hurricanes raged the kingdom. They destroyed everything in their path. Houses and animal shelters. Aeriatoria laughed. The warrior raised a bow and arrow and shot her through the heart. Veldon thought that it was over.

An echo chanted through the dungeons, "Fools, I live. Do not think it will be that easy."

The hurricanes continued to wreak havoc upon the kingdom. Innocent people were killed. Babies were flung up into the sky to meet a painful and within a swirling mass of destruction. Veldon was too stunned to even move. He had failed to protect his people. He heard a shatter and knew that Anne's favourite glass chamber had been destroyed. Horses ran riot over the kingdom. The warriors shouted as Aeriatoria reappeared.

She said, "I just went to go and survey the scene. It's looking good, far better than expected"

Veldon roared and tackled her to the ground hurting his shoulder in the process. The witch was stunned and this gave the warriors the second they needed to pounce and strike. She died with a wicked smile. Outside, the hurricanes ceased to blow. Veldon rose uneasily screaming at his warriors to depart and go help any who are still alive. He went behind slowly eventually reaching daylight. The kingdom was gone. Seeing the damaged houses and castle was all that gave a hint to a kingdom once existing. The downfall of the kingdom had occurred. Veldon slowly shook his head and said, "I am alive. My three warriors are alive. Hersage, Cigam, Salvatora, her student and Anne are hopefully still alive. Domitates is still alive... He heard a baby crying. Someone else was alive. He rushed over to the noise.

Domitates heard someone approaching and calling his name. He was annoyed. He appeared only to see a witch fall to the ground and vanish, a finger left in her place. He grimaced. Another was clan dead. One witch remained alive. Domitates could hardly believe that an entire race could so quickly be killed. He heard a whisper on the wind. "I am dead but have brought about the downfall of the kingdom. Long live Domitates!" Aeriatoria's last message disappeared. Domitates smiled and fell to all fours. Finally, a successful witch! Not many of those were present. He picked up the finger and smelled it slowly. Yes, he felt power from just touching it. He uttered a spell which produced a chain and he placed the finger on it, hanging it around his head. His fangs were glowing bright. He decided that it was time to show himself to the man who had once defeated him. Veldon.

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