Chapter 33

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The survivors of the battle gathered at Veldon's kingdom. He was going to give a speech on what would now happen. He stood high on a ridge looking majestic. For the second time, he had led his kingdom to victory. Seralin looked up sadly, troubled by the Alenti twins. Harold was beaming on the side. Hersage and Cigam held their sword proudly and Stefan and Anne held each other tightly. Astelovix was quiet. Once again he had suffered the most after the war. The wolves had killed all of his men quickly. He now had nothing.

Veldon began, "My friends, we are victorious! We have conquered an ancient evil. It is dead and shall never plague us again. There are some things to be discussed though."

Everyone looked up expectantly.

"Firstly, to our neighbouring kingdoms, thank you. without you, we would never have had a chance. Harold, your men were brave as were you. Seralin, your devices and healers have saved us greatly. Astelovix, you have proven why you are a king. It is because of your loyalty and will to fight. All of your warriors have shown that fear does not run through their blood. I have also suffered a lot. I'm left with hardly anything but I still come out of this ordeal a joyful man. I have a proposition to put forth. Percy needs to design my kingdom. But I wish for us all to unite. I want our kingdoms to all be built around a monument in honour of our achievement. We will all rule separately but be only a few meters apart. What do you say?"

Seralin asked, "But what of our old kingdoms? Surely you cannot expect us to leave them there to rot?"

Stefan came forward, "I have powers beyond your imagination now. I can move your kingdoms and all its people here immediately."

Harold shouted, "I would love that idea. My people and I will accept!"

Astelovix nodded, "I accept."

Seralin finally said, "I too agree."

Veldon smiled, "Then to continue, Anne will soon be the queen of my kingdom. You have proven yourself to be a lady of integrity and bravery much like your mother. You would make a fine ruler and unless I am completely mistaken, a fine ruler next to Stefan?"

Anne blushed.

"Domitates is dead," Veldon finished.

Everyone roared with delight.

The people of the kingdoms cleared away and made way for Stefan who now stood in the middle. He closed his eyes, concentration etched on his face.

Veldon said, "To the north will lie my future kingdom. Percy has assured me that it will be grand. To the east will be Seralin's valley."

Stefan focused on this. He waved his hand and the kingdom erupted out of the ground to the east. The towers stood tall and shining. People who had stayed behind looked out of the glass windows in confusion at what had happened.

"To the south will be the depths of Astelovix's kingdom."

Stefan's brow furrowed. With a wave of his hand the market place of Astelovix's kingdom was suddenly before them, buzzing with women and children. Slowly and dramatically, the black palace rose. Astelovix smiled.

"Finally to the west will be the realm of Harold."

His kingdom was soon before them, the sun casting beautiful colour of orange, yellow and red as it set behind the palace. In the middle, stood all of the people. It was a marvellous sight. Three kingdoms all standing tall.

Someone from the crowd shouted out, "And what will rest here in the middle?"

Veldon paused for thought and then went over to Cigam and Hersage.

Both men nodded and stepped forward speaking in unison, "The golden sword shall remain here."

They lifted it above their heads and drove the point of the sword into the hard ground. It stayed there, the hilt pointing up to the sky. Stefan stepped forward and waved his hand. The sword grew to ten meters in height, towering above everything. Hersage took the sword of fire and touched the golden sword. It burst alight, casting shadows. The golden light shone with a fire engulfing it. The intricate hilt had the spirl wood around it and the scene was perfect.

Anne whispered, "The beacon of light."

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