Chapter 4

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Anne's scream continued to echo throughout the kingdom. Nobody was present to save the princess and it appeared that all that awaited her was death. The witch's malevolent eyes stared hungrily at the princess. Tears began to flow down Anne's eyes and she felt herself losing consciousness. Her eyes began to close slowly as she felt herself being pulled into the icy water but before her eyes closed for what seemed to be the last time, she heard the word ignis and felt a scorching heat blaze across her and with that she only saw darkness...

"It appears as though someone wants the princess dead." Those were the words that princess slowly woke up to. She was amazed to find herslf alive and saw her father and a cleanly shaven man with green eyes who she knew to be Cigam deep in conversation. As she rose up from her bed her father ran over to her relieved. "Oh Anne, I'm so happy to see you're safe!" "What, what happened?" she stammered. Everything felt slow and blurry and she could feel her heart hammering away in her chest. Cigam slowly came forward and spoke, "I saw you walking towards the lake and soon after heard a piercing scream. I immediately ran to your aid and saw a follower of the Water Clan dragging you into the water. I killed her with one of my fiercest fire spells. You are safe now but I fear that there is definitely someone trying to kill you. You are in danger Anne, far more than any of us could have guessed. The evil trapped eighteen years ago is trying to escape. From now on you are never to leave my sight. Is that understood?" Anne had never been more relieved by an offer before and immediately agreed to the command. Veldon stated that she must rest and so she did so.

King Veldon strode into the royal court filled with many of the upper class people. He called for his most reliable messenger to be sent forward. Percy silently walked up to the king, bowed and asked what needed to be done. "I want you to travel to the land of ice and seek a witch who dwells there. Ask her if she is able to come to my kingdom and help me. If your journey is a success, a reward awaits you. Provisions will be provided as well as a swordsman and magician to escort you. Do not fail." With that, Veldon left the room and Percy immediately set off for the journey at hand.

Anne awoke feeling much better. She noticed that Cigam was watching her intently and gave him a weak smile. He did not return it however, and said sternly, "Without you, this land will perish. Do not do anything...stupid" he finally said. She simply nodded knowing her father's anger would be great if she dared to argue. All she said in the end was, "Thank you for saving my life." "I think I'll be doing that a lot," he said sadly. "What's happening?" she asked. "It appears that the creature of darkness," and now he lowered his voice to little more than a whisper," Domitates is growing in strength and trying to return. Someone is helping him and we fear that he will kill all in Veldon's kingdom. The return of Domitates is bad princess. Very, very bad." 

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