Chapter 6

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Stefan and Salvatora trudged on through the snow. Several days earlier, a messenger known as Percy had arrived at their cottage with an urgent message from King Veldon requesting their presence. Salvatora had sensed that this was important and so she immediately ordered Stefan to collect provisions such as food and clothing and they set out for the kingdom straight away. The day of their journey was a cold one and Stefan had cast a fire spell which he created to hover above to keep warm.

Salvatora decided that the time to rest had arrived. "We're making good progress," she panted," But I must admit that my aging bones are tired for even though witches live for centuries, they must eventually die." She gave a sad smile.

"Why are we going to help this Veldon?" he asked.

"It is my sworn duty to help humankind and Veldon is a human."

"Does he not possess an army?"

"I fear that both you and I are his army for in a dream last night, I saw that the dark creature had been freed."

"That's not possible!" Stefan cried out.

"But it is true. We must fight against Lord Domitates."

"I'll be ready for him and I'll easily bring him down to cower at my knees!"

The witch gave a sympathetic laugh. "It is time for you to see the power of this creature. Bend down and let me place my arms upon your head."

Stefan realised that he was going to see into the past and so, slightly eager, he did so.

He was immediately transported into a village that was on fire. But this fire felt alive. Out of darkness he saw an immense dark figure emerge and grab a weeping baby. Revealing it's fangs, it drank the baby's blood. Stefan looked away but already he felt that that image would never leave his memory. The dark creature gave a roar as an army of all of the village men made an attack. He simply raised his arm and all were frozen on the spot. Stefan gasped at this power and once Salvatora felt that he saw enough of Domitates's power she brought her pupil back to the present.

They continued their journey, the cold snow now behind them and now walking on a road. Words were not spoken for a while.

A silent wolf had been following them this entire time. Its feet padded softly and silently on the ground and the bright, yellow eyes never left the sight of the boy. When he saw them rest for second time and begin eating he went behind a tree. What revealed itself next was not a wolf, but rather a human. Fierce looking eyes surveyed the scene and knives, daggers and spears were hanging onto the coat. He wanted to appear harmless to the witch and boy and so he wrapped around him a fur coat, shielding his weapons.

A shape-shifting wolf can turn into a human with unbelievable power with weapons. Rarely could they be defeated. This particular wolf was the strongest of them all, Zenodius. He approached the two people speaking in ruff and husky voice. "Greetings strangers. My apologies for startling you. Where might your journey be taking you?" He put on a friendly smile but not enough to reveal his large, canine wolf teeth.

Stefan realised that this would be one of the first humans he had ever seen and so spoke enthusiastically, "Hello! We are heading for Veldon's kingdom."

"Very interesting," he hissed," I must hurry along now. He disappeared into the shadows knowing that this is where they would rest for the night for the kingdom was at a great distance and night was approaching. His guess was right and he saw them settling in for the night. He also, quite annoyingly, heard the witch telling the boy never to speak to strangers.

How ironic – a wolf in a forest which was deemed to be a stranger. Zenodius enjoyed this personal joke. Very soon he saw that the witch had fallen asleep but the boy's eyes remained open. He approached silently and whispered into Stefan's ears to follow him and Stefan did... Too easy. An ignorant boy.

Once at a safe distance from Salvatora, Zenodius spoke, "I'm sorry for remaining but when I heard that you were going to Veldon's kingdom, I had to warn you."

"About what?" Stefan asked suspiciously.

"Veldon is evil," Zenodius lied," You must not believe that witch. Come with me and you and I shall rule by Lord Domitates's side!"

Stefan realised his mistake in trusting this man. He knew that Salvatora would never lie to him and so turned to run. Zenodius threw off his fur coat and drew a long, shining sword.

"Wrong move boy," he snarled revealing his teeth, "Now you must perish. You are too powerful to roam on Veldon's side." He lunged sword flying in the air.

"Terra!" screamed Stefan and the earth split apart. The wolf managed to dodge this but by the time he regained his balance, the boy had disappeared. He howled to the moon in dismay. His master would not be pleased. Perhaps he should have been more cunning and gained the boy's full trust first. This was a big mistake. Now the boy knew that Veldon was the man who he should serve and nothing could change his mind now. He slowly transformed back into a wolf and made his way in the direction that Stefan had run.

"Salvatora!" Stefan woke the witch. "It was a shape-shifting wolf. He tried to ask me to join his side."

"You're a fool boy. Did you not hear that I told you to speak to nobody? Those eyes were evil. That must have been Zenodius. You were lucky to have escaped.

A wolf burst out of the trees and knocked Salvatora over as she was trying to cast a fire spell. It missed and hit her student in his chest knocking him over. Zenodius once more became man and picked up Stefan taking him into the forest. No prey could escape from him. He smiled.

Salvatora was too late. She could not believe that Stefan was gone. Hope seemed lost but she stood up, angrily muttering that every wolf die on the spot and strode towards the kingdom.

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