Chapter 18

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Ninety years... Ninety years... Ninety years... The words echoed inside of his head. Domitates was deep within a forest. He was afraid for the first time since becoming this creature. The wolves could never kill him but they would constantly be a problem. Biting him, chewing on him and distracting him. He still didn't know how he had been defeated the last time. All that he remembered was that Veldon's sword had been shining with blood and that he had smiled as he thought how feeble the human was charging at him. But when the sword struck, Domitates had been in pain for the very first time. When Veldon banished him and rid him of his power, he could not stop it. Why did the old man not do it now again? Domitates sighed. A thought suddenly sprang up in his mind. The creature suddenly remembered the scroll that could kill him. "How could I forget! Even as a human, my memory did not fail me." He disappeared. He still felt a weak connection with Stefan and followed it to find him.

A mountain huge in size lay before the three remaining people. Eventually, they had reached Anscancar. Now, looking up, Anne felt her stomach do a somersault as she looked at the dangerously steep cliffs. Stefan came forward to comfort her smiling as he said, "I'll catch you if you fall."

Salvatora waved a hand, "Anne, I caught Stefan when he was falling. I can do it a hundred times over."

Anne recalled the night when Stefan had told her about what had happened at his birth and felt reassured. Anne was covered in many furs but still felt the cold seeping into her bones. Stefan once again found his hands in hers and felt surprised at how natural it felt. Her blue eyes met his. The Ice Witch smiled and interrupted their moment. "I feel at home in this weather. More powerful."

Stefan suddenly felt a lot colder as did Anne. Stefan said quietly, "He is coming."

Anne came closer to Stefan as did Salvatora. They still stood at the foot of the mountain, huddled together. All of their arms were raised, spells resting upon their lips. Then, he appeared, immense in size and glaring at the three maliciously. He spoke in a teasing voice, "My friends. I see you have come to this mountain and I can't guess why! But, your journey ends here."

"Cum ignis Cremo!"



Anne, Salvatora and then Stefan shouted. Fire hit Domitates harmlessly whilst he wasn't frozen in place as the second spell should have done. The third however brought him to fear and he hardly managed to evade it but did so in the end. He could not believe that this boy had the power to kill him. Salvatora saw the fear in his eyes and capitalised on the moment by saying, "You haven't felt fear like this in centuries. Not since being human!"

Domitates roared, "Foolish witch! Where do you come up with your feeble lies?"

"Lies!" she spat, "Only you can twist the truth. But I know. I am the witch of past memories and this particular memory has been passed down from Ice Clan leaders of the distant past up till now."

Salvatora raised her hands to the air freezing all four including herself. Domitates could not break free and was forced to watch his secret being unveiled. They were taken back to when the creature of darkness did not exist.

Memories flashed before their eyes. A mother spitting upon her baby shouting that it was worthless. A baby left to the wolves being picked up by a man declaring that the boy be named Domitates. A mischievous boy being punished in class. The same boy running away from his false home. The memories then focused into one clear and long vision. A grown man with long black hair and black eyes was sitting in the forest far away from any kingdoms. he was pale and had a thin face with sharp features. He looked sick and dirty. A man who had killed many with his bare hands to take the food out of their home in order to survive. A man who longed for immortality. He sat there, a squirming mouse in his hands, his nails long and yellow digging into the black fur of the mouse. He stuffed it into his mouth, still live, and suppressed the urge to throw up. He then muttered an enchantment to mix the animals blood with his own. "Cum ignis cremo" the weak voice instructed. The surrounding leaves burst into flames and he let those flames burn his body, muttering more enchantments to protect him from the full effects of the heat. His body slowly turned black and fur erupted around him. His eyes turned red from the pain. Spell upon spell was said and he continued to gain power from then in terms of his strength and magical ability. A wolf was passing and he struggled to his feet. He summoned the wolf to him and slowly ripped apart with his powerful nails which slowly turned to claws. He drank the wolf's blood and used the enchantment to fuse their blood. He felt fangs grow and howled with the pain. He grew in size and fell to all fours. He felt himself weakening again and pointed to his chest. He said, "Morte!" and killed his heart. His body was not wounded. He continued to breathe. He had done it. Immortality. He needed something to fill that place and act as a heart. He walked over to the kingdom's dungeon killing all in his way. He found the transgressors and drained them of their evil putting it all into a stone. He swallowed this, using a spell to put it where his heart should be and continued to fill it with hate. He have a smile, blood oozing from his eyes making them redder and redder.

Stefan could move again. He saw Anne shivering, looking sick. He ran over to embrace her whispering, "Everything's fine. I'm here."

Salvatora smiled. You have to repeat that process a lot. It hurts you when you have to do it and sometimes you have to do it more frequently. But then you can live on for the period of hundreds of years without any worries. But you are still weak. That finger you wear around you is the only reason you can still walk. Eighteen years you were gone and not one person felt the need to be a thief. So your little heart there needs evil to pump. You can't find any evil but her sisters'. She pointed to Anne who looked away in shame. You can chew on that finger for eternity but it will eventually disappear."

Domitates replied, "There are criminals out there whom I will find."

"Morte! Morte! Morte!" Stefan shouted without stopping. Domitates nearly got hit. He knew that it was time to go and that he had failed miserably. He was no longer the powerful beast he once was. Before he left, he screamed, "Cum ignis cremo!" hitting Anne straight in the chest. Stefan screamed and Domitates suddenly found a weakness. He disappeared.

Anne awoke a day later coughing. She could hardly breathe. Salvatora gently laid her back down. Anne saw Stefan sitting on the ice, looking worried. Salvatora spoke, "Just rest, the spell just missed your heart but it was very powerful."

Stefan spoke through clenched teeth, "I will kill him Anne. I promise!"

Salvatora answered, "Now is not the time Stefan. We managed to stay alive only because we scared Domitates with the truth. It won't happen again."

"I want to learn more Salvatora. I need to know more spells."

"You know enough. Now you can make your own with the power you have. Just mix them up."

Anne felt herself losing consciousness, "Stefan," she let out. She felt his lips on her forehead. 

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