Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia characters part 1

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Name: Shinobu Adachihara
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 175 lbs
Description: spiky blackish-blue hair swept back from the middle of the head back and the front shoots forward with bangs randomly hanging down in front of the face and often obscures the eyes from others without inhibiting his vision by any noticeable amount, red eyes, mouth is able to open wider than normal allowing him to fit up to half his hand inside, pale skin, physique is a mix of an endurance runner and a martial artist, small and medium length scars scattered across the arms from the shoulder to the knuckles (excluding the undersides of his arms but not his palms) and from the hip to the feet (excluding the undersides of the legs but not the bottom of the feet)
Personality: intelligent, silent, shy when people he is unfamiliar with engage him in conversation, good at analyzing people and situations, amazing tactician, bad at communicating ideas unless directly asked, confident about his intellect and capabilities but not arrogant, hard to anger but when angered becomes highly aggressive and wild, caring towards plants, animals, and fungi and is highly knowledgeable and interested in them, mischievous towards those he is familiar with, can't handle flirting well and is easily flustered.
Occupation: Hero-in-Training
Quirk: Kinetic Feedback: a combination of his parents quirks, Overdrive and Generator, which allows any physical action to reimburse the energy used by 1.5 times the amount of energy used to perform the action and also allows him to increase the power and speed of any action by spending extra energy to perform that action (ex if he wants to make a punch 3 times stronger he would use the amount of energy needed to perform 3 punches in one punch to increase the power) thus allowing him to become stronger and faster the longer he is active, other benefits include not needing sleep and having infinite stamina and not needing food for energy but still needs food for nutritional value, downsides include the fact that if he doesn't move at all for 5 minutes his body will shut down making him lose consciousness for 4 hours, another downside is the fact that his quirk doesn't protect him from G forces, meaning that while he could speed up by an infinite amount, attempting to come to an instant stop can cause extreme damage to the muscles, bones, and organs and that punching a hard object with increased power will also increase the damage he sustains from striking the object, although he is immune to strain his body should experience from increasing their capabilities (meaning that the body isn't damaged by sustained force such as continuous running or lifting).
Other Abilities: adept at Karate, Kenpo, and Jujitsu, fluently speaks, reads, and writes English and Japanese.
Hero Outfit: consists of skintight black bodysuit covered by light-weight, smooth, curved armour, with a helmet that has a black-tinted glass that covers the entire face and leaves no skin visible, under the armour the gloves, boots, shin guards, elbow pads, shoulder pads, and head all contain shock absorbent material, the armour is primarily a deep crimson colour with a black trim on the edges of the armour.
Future Hero Name: The Everlasting Hero:
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: nature, sweets, video games, anime, action and horror movies, and learning new things.
Dislikes: wasting energy and/or resources, seeing anyone harm nature, perverts, arrogant people, and anyone who discriminates for any reason, being the centre of attention.
Romantic Preferences: energetic, smart, and tomboyish girls.

Names: Kenta and Hayaka Ametsuchi (twins)
Sex: Male (Kenta) Female (Hayaka)
Age: 15
Height: 6 feet 2 inches (Kenta) 5 feet 6 inches (Hayaka)
Weight: 230 lbs (Kenta) 120 lbs (Hayaka)
Description: short blonde hair styled into a buzzcut with a samurai ponytail (A/N: I don't mean a top knot, look up Oda Nobunaga from Nobunaga's Ambition, that's the one I'm talking about), a physique is a mix between a bodybuilder and a martial artist, blue eyes, scars of all lengths and shapes cover the entirety of his body, has long arms and legs (Kenta). short blonde hair styled initially like a bob cut, but the bangs and halfway down the rest of the hair becomes wild and wavy, with it ending just before the chin, a slim physique with some muscle definition, blue eyes (Hayaka).
Personality: silent and stone-faced, stubborn, below average intelligence, tough, unyielding, supportive and defensive of Hayaka (Kenta). loud and sassy, stand-offish, above average intelligence, agile, unrelenting, supportive and defensive of Kenta (Hayaka), the longer they are apart the more anxious and scared they become (both), they share almost everything together and hide no secrets from one another (both).
Occupation: Heroes-in-Training
Quirks: Twin Boosters: a combination of their parent's quirks, Team-Up and Thrusters, a quirk that doubles the power and speed of the user when in contact with another with this same quirk, the boost lasts for 3 minutes after the users end contact with one another in addition to this both have miniature rocket engines in their palms and soles that can increase their speed by 15km/h for 30 seconds before needing to wait 10 minutes while their bodies convert caloric energy into fuel for the engines which need 30 calories worth of energy to be converted each time, the capabilities of the engines are also doubled by contact with another with this quirk and the refueling time is halved but caloric energy needed for conversion is tripled, other benefits of this quirk include the ability to fly or hover and the heat generated by the engines can cause 2nd degree burns when in contact with the skin, downsides include limited effectiveness when access to their partner quirk user is impossible, that prolonged fights can reduce their energy significantly if using their engines too often, and that over use of the engines can cause searing pain if used too many times in a 1 hour time span.
Other Abilities: impressive strength that allows him to lift upwards of 300 lbs, and apply roughly 3,000 Newton's of force (Kenta), impressive durability that allows him to take hits of up to 5,000 Newton's of force with feeling pain (Kenta), impressive speeds that allow her to run up to 32km/h for 30 seconds max (Hayaka), impressive agility that allows her to move swiftly and precisely even when faced with tight spaces and while moving fast (Hayaka), impressive endurance that allows them to perform strenuous activities for longer than most people (both), Twin-tuition: an abnormal ability to understand and coordinate with each other with little to no communication (both).
Hero Outfits: a suit of samurai armour constructed with modern materials coloured mainly black with gold trim and a red-bronze face mask with a snarling expression (Kenta), a classic ninja outfit constructed using modern fabrics and weaves that allows resistance to small arms with a primarily black colouration with gold trim and a mask covering the lower half of the face, but an opening near to the top that allows the bangs and immediate sides of the hair to be hanging out (Hayaka).
Future Hero Names: The Sturdy Hero: Terrus (Kenta) and The Swift Hero: Zephyalin (Hayaka).
Sexuality: Asexual (both)
Likes: each other, being alone together, doing things together, eating, exercising.
Dislikes: being apart, people insulting their twin, people disrespecting their twin, seeing each other hurt, buzzkills, pushy people, nosey people, and bossy people.

Name: Chishino Futado
Sex: varying (this will be explained later)
Age: 15
Height: 5 feet 6 inches (Sun) or
5 feet 10 inches (Eclipse) or
6 feet 4 inches (Moon)
Weight: 125 lbs (Eclipse) or 175 lbs (Sun) or
150 lbs (Moon)
Description: plain looking with black hair extending to just below the ears, green eyes, no distinctive features (Eclipse), stocky and well-built, yellow eyes, blonde hair styled like a pompadour, large hands and feet, rounded jaw, soft features (Sun), lean and well-toned,
silver eyes, white hair that extends down to the mid-back with strands framing the face and bangs over the forehead, angular jaw, sharp features (Moon).
Personality: cold, emotionless, silent (Eclipse), carefree, friendly, calm, supportive, firm, pacifistic (Sun), aggressive, guarded, sassy, focused, sadistic (Moon).
Occupation: Heroes-in-Training
Quirk: Shifting Souls, a quirk that changes the users body and personality between 3 different forms, Sun is a male form that has 3 times the durability, stamina, and strength that the base form has but has their speed and agility cut to a third of the base form, Moon is a female form that has 3 times the speed, agility and reaction speed as the base form but has their durability and stamina cut to a third of the base form, Eclipse is an androgynous form that is the base form and has no boost nor drawback to their capabilities and is an intermediate between Sun and Moon, drawbacks include the need to switch back to Eclipse to change from Sun to Moon or Moon to Sun, that the forms don't share memories, and that all damage done to one form carries over to the others.
Hero Outfit: a skintight black jumpsuit with black armour pieces covering the head, hands, feet, shoulders, chest, and knees, this shifts with the change in size and physique of the different forms.
Future Hero Names: The Shifting Forms Hero: Spirimorph- Sun, Moon, and Eclipse.
Sexuality: all forms are pansexual.
Likes: relaxing, movies, talking (Sun), training, fighting, teasing (Moon), reading, learning, meditating (Eclipse).
Dislikes: fighting, seeing others hurt, being bored (Sun), sitting still for too long, perverts, people mocking/insulting her (Moon), loud noises, people invading their space, messes (Eclipse).
Romantic Interests: funny, nice, supportive people (Sun), strong, intelligent, brave people (Moon), respectful, silent, pragmatic people (Eclipse).

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