Star Wars: Clone Wars to Rebellion Era part 1

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[A/N: I started writing this on my birthday on May 14th, also sorry for having not updated in a long time, not that anyone really cares seeing as I had less than 30 reads when this chapter was published.]

Name: Hrisk
Species: Kobok
Sex: male
Age: 16
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 125 lbs
Description: skeleton-like in appearance with dark green chitin covering the outer body providing extreme resistance against stabbing and slashing but leaves blunt force attacks as a powerful weakness, with 4 short toxic spines emerging from the forearms near the elbows and 3 from the shins near the knees, all spines can be extended for use in combat, with 4 fingered hands with one being opposable and 3 toed feet with the toes all splayed out in a triangular fashion with 2 more forward facing and another 1 backward facing, the entirety of the chitin is also covered in a thin layer of hair, an insect-like head with a pair of mandibles covering a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth and a red tongue, with 2 red eyes at the front of the head and another placed on the back of the head, the head also has a pair of extremely short antenna above the brow ridge, the brow is also able to move around and display any facial expressions most other humanoids are capable of, he has medium black armour covering his torso and a specially designed gas mask that provides an eye hole for his back eye, and also wears a black cloak with a hood that hides the rest of his body from view and a utility belt around the waist and 2 bandoliers across the chest in an X-formation, the armour is thick enough to stop medium powered blaster shots from being fatal but not from causing harm.
Personality: often cold and hostile to most other sentient beings but is friendlier to arthropodic species, calm, calculating, analytical, manipulative, intelligent, morbid, dark.
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Specialties: assassination, capture, retrieval, search.
Weaponry: a heavily modified slugthrower rifle that has been modified to fire small darts over long distances with little to no noise being emitted when fired, with an effective range of 50-500m and an absolute max range of 600m with a magazine of 5 it has also been modified with a scope that can switch magnification between 2x up to 10x and can switch between regular, night vision, and infrared, in addition to this he also carries a needler sidearm which is a pistol sized gun capable of firing small darts that can penetrate personal energy shields with an effective range of 3-30m and an absolute max range of 90m with a magazine of 10, the darts of both weapons can be dipped in poison to poison targets, the darts are ineffective at piercing medium or heavy armour.
Equipment: the bandoliers contain magazines for his weaponry with the one going from the left shoulder to the right waist contains 30 magazines for the sniper rifle and the one going from the right shoulder to the left waist contains 20 magazines for the needler, the utility belt also contains several pouches for different types of venom and several poisonous gas grenades and a few containers for holding live specimens for either use in the field or for holding more found in the wild.
Creatures: he owns several different arthropod species that he uses for jobs, these species are; Kouhun- a long white arthropod about 1 foot in length with multiple legs, a segmented carapace, and highly venomous stingers, they track their prey through heat and their venom is fatal to most species and kills in minutes, they are also smart enough to actively avoid being detected by cameras and droids, Stone Mite- a small black species that when fully matured fuses themselves with 2 others of their species and form a hard shell with 3 holes all facing away from each other, in between each of the heads is a feeler-tail which can deliver a powerful electric shock that is painful but is incapable of even stunning creatures roughly the size of or larger than a womp rat, each head has a pair of outer mandibles and another in pair which secretes acid which it uses to liquidate and consume minerals and metals, it's even capable of eating through a starship's hull, Pelko Bug- a small insect covered with millions of microscopic poisonous barbs that could penetrate armour and the poison while not fatal is said to hurt in a manner as if one's limb had been chopped off with a lightsaber, they are highly force sensitive and are attracted to any entity with an abnormal presence in the force as they were their main prey, they would swarm and devour at night with their toxins able to stun their prey long enough to allow them to eat them alive, while attracted to most force-sensitive entities, they were scared of those with a huge presence in the force and would flee upon sensing them, Olabrian Trichoid- a small green and black striped parasite that laid its eggs in fruit, and the larva would hatch while in the stomach and crawl their way into the respiratory system, after between 20 to 51 hours after hatching, the larvae would then chew their way to the richest source of hemoglobin, often a major artery or the heart, if they should reach the heart, the host was guaranteed a swift death, however they could still be easily removed before this via a basic surgery, if it continued to feed on an artery instead of the heart, it would cause violent coughing and death would likely occur 2 hours after the onset of the cough due to severe hemorrhaging, the larvae cause no symptoms until they begin chewing through the body tissue upon which pain can be felt, pure oxygen is toxic to Olabrian Trichoids however they could survive in any other atmosphere that contains other elements or is completely void of oxygen,
Dream Shimmer- a large rodent sized insect with wings and a stinger that carried potent hallucinogenic toxins that would leave predators and prey highly disoriented for up to a hour, Q'nithian Mimbrane- thin pasty white insects no longer than an adult human's finger with a pair of short antennae on the head, the Q'nithian Mimbrane sustained itself on sound waves and could be trained to replay sounds they had heard while feeding, Wasber- a small flying insect with a stinger filled with venom that turned the immune system against itself, while highly fatal to most human sized entities and especially dangerous to those with a stronger immune system, those with access to adequate medical care would have little difficulty waiting out the effects of the poison as it would wear off in time, Kalsunor Silooth- a large bantha sized beetle created through ancient Sith alchemy, tannish-brown in colour, with 2 large horns on its head, one bigger and higher up than the other, sharp spikes rising from its ramped carapace with a ridge jutting over the rest of the carapace facing back towards the front, with more spikes off to the sides of its head with a pair of large mandibles and a set of huge sharp teeth,with each leg ending in a razor-sharp claw, it has a space between its head and carapace large enough for a human sized entity to ride, they have the ability to shoot acid up to 10 meters away, its chitin is very tough and even able to shrug off attacks from artillery and resistant enough to make even slicing it with a lightsaber extremely difficult and almost pointless, its chitin covers even its joints without hampering its mobility, it's only weak spots are its small eyes and the inside of its mouth which while less protected is still able to resist anything with less power than a high powered explosion, it is a normally a highly aggressive species that attacks most other creatures on site, although it is possible to train them it is highly difficult to the point of being borderline suicidal, he has affectionately named her Death-Jaw.
Ship: The Vile Fang- a heavily modified dynamic-class freighter, painted black, dark purple, and crimson with a decal design around the cockpit of a pair of fangs and on the aft of a stinger, the cargo hold contains a walled off section for the Silooth, and the ship is covered in various plants and fungi and is infested with several common arthropods.
Length- 27.24 meters, width- 25.94 meters,
hyperdrive- class 1, armaments- twin laser cannon on the sides of the cockpit, 2 ion torpedo tubes that can hold 4 torpedos each before reloading, reflector shields, Navigation System- standard navigation computer,
passenger space- comfortably fits 10 but can hold up to 14, cargo space- 45 tons,
consumable storage- 1 year worth.
Other Skills: master marksman, extremely high levels of knowledge in regards to toxins and arthropods, expert pilot and ship to ship combatant, extremely good at taming dangerous creatures, fluent in Basic, Kobothi, Geonosian Hive-Mind, and Huttese, advanced stealth skills, knows basic first aid for most species, master of the Teras Kasi and Echani martial arts.
Sexuality: straight
Likes: arthropods, getting payed, killing his marks, spending time with Death-Jaw, cleaning his weaponry.
Dislikes: bigots, missing a shot, seeing Death-Jaw get hurt, being double-crossed, not getting paid.
Romantic Interests: strong, fierce, intelligent women who like fighting, prefers non-humanoid species, but could go with especially attractive humanoids if they meet the personality criteria.

[A/N 2: only one character this time but it is Star Wars so I had to do quite a bit of research, and this is actually the longest chapter even with just the one character.]

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