Monster Musume part 1

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[A/N: For the characters in this chapter given Monster Musume has all the different species I'm adding new ones not seen in the canon of the manga or anime some are based on real creatures or entities from myth and others aren't.]
Name: Jaks Beresford [Jaks is pronounced the same as the French name Jacques, but with an 's' sound added to the end.]
Species: Spring-Heel
Sex: male
Age: 18
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Weight: 75 lbs
Description: thin with pale skin, long legs and arms, a physique similar to a kick-boxer, black greasy hair done in a Brutus hairstyle with short sideburns, a human face with deep set eyes with red irises, long fingers with the tips replaced with claws, the forearms and cruses [the lower part of the leg down to the ankle] are replaced with a fleshy coil-like apparatus capable of compressing down to a 1/3 of its original size of 2 feet or extend up to 3 times the original length, has an average body temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or 86 degrees Fahrenheit, wears a black top hat, a black long-sleeved tuxedo with black tie and pants with suspenders and a white undershirt, with a pair of black steel-toed boots and white socks, has a British accent.
Personality: mischievous, jovial, theatrical, playful, energetic, chivalrous, prudish, elegant, athletic, intelligent, romantic.
Species Bio: a species hailing from Britain, with few specimens due to the fact that their species only came into existence near the middle of the 1800s, in contrast to some monster species, Spring-Heels are an only male species able to reproduce with both human and limials, with all characteristics of Spring-Heels found only in the Y-chromosome of the species, all males born with a Spring-Heel father will be a Spring-Heel, while females will either be a mix of the normal genetics or a female limial based on the mother, Spring-Heels have the ability to produce up to 3 times as much force with their limbs by using the coils that replace their forearms and cruses, these springs also can also extend out for further reach and the ones found in the cruses also passively increase run speed by adding extra distance when pushing off of a surface, Spring-Heels are extremely lightweight for their size thus allowing them to jump higher and move faster, they also have minor but very detailed illusionary powers, that while not grand are so detailed that most humans' and limials' subconscious will believe it's real and place a placebo affect on the body from certain illusions, the extent of the illusion's capabilities are simple light tricks including glowing, fake fire, and invisibility, their diet consists of any organic material from bread and meat to things such as bark or blood, they are also completely immune to all diseases, infections, illnesses, poisons, and alcohol, with the notable exception of wine being the only alcoholic substance that is capable of making them intoxicated and sick.
Other Skills: fluently speaks English and Japanese but has difficulty reading and writing the latter, a master at playing the violin and piano, well versed in European history, an expert actor though has difficulties following scripted performances, an excellent singer.
Sexuality: straight
Likes: tea, exercise, plays, playing pranks, helping others, making others laugh, classical music, children, wine.
Dislikes: soft drinks, being late, cliches, bland tasting food, perverts, jerks.
Romantic Interests: strong, athletic, and kind women, has no preference between humans and limials.

Name: Vizo
Species: Oculus, plural: Oculi
Sex: male
Age: 23
Height: 4 feet 8 inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Description: child-like in appearance with a slightly tanned complexion, with 4 eyes on each side of the face with a large sideways mouth down the centre of the face with another 4 on the back of the head, 1 eye is also present on each palm, the mouth houses 2 long tongues that can stretch up to 2 meters long, with wild blackish-brown hair, they wear an orange muscle shirt and tan pants.
Personality: goofy, childish, energetic, playful, manipulative, mischievous, shy, cowardly, intelligent, prideful.
Species Bio: a species of unknown origin but thought to be a relative of Monoeyes, by making eye contact with any of their eyes, they can force others to feel any emotion except hate, love, grief, or insanity, this power doesn't work on those who are either physically or mentally children nor is it able to work on those viewing them through solid transparent surfaces, they often lure others into secluded areas by pretending to be crying children, when their victims near them they will shoot out 1 of their tongues and hit the forehead and drain them of either all positive or all negative emotions, which will make their victim unable to feel any of that type of emotion for 1 week, positive emotions are more filling, but only more malicious Oculi drain positive emotions, they only need to feed 1 or 2 times a month depending on the emotions drained, they don't require actual food and lack both a digestive and excretory system, but often still chew food as they have taste buds, while they both look and often act like children, they are actually highly intelligent and shouldn't be underestimated as doing so often draws their ire and result in them playing pranks on those that have angered them until they admit they are worthy of respect, physically Oculi are no better than most children and are extremely opposed to physical confrontation, to the point where they will run away or use their eyes to induce fear, laziness, etc, in those confronting them, it is unknown how the species reproduces.
Other Skills: fluent in Japanese, absurd knowledge on video games, expert at reading body language, expert lock picker and pickpocket.
Sexuality: asexual
Likes: video games, playing, playing pranks, stealing from adults, children, exploring.
Dislikes: being man-handled, being looked down on, getting caught, most adults, bullies.

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