Pokemon part 1

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[A/N: I'm going to do something a little special here, I'm gonna make my own Pokémon and it's evolutionary chain, cause I've been into fan fiction for probably 6 or so years now and I can honestly say I've never seen a story with an original Pokémon breed, of course there's probably one out there but I've never seen any so this might be the first time someone has published an original Pokémon for use in fan fiction! Let's get to it! Also the Ability of the last one will be original so I'll provide a description of them.]

Species Name: Perfoggot
Type: Bug/Ground
Egg Group: No Eggs/Undiscovered Group
Ability: Rough Skin
Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Height: 8 inches
Length: 1 foot
Weight: 10 lbs
Description: a tannish brown hide, with no limbs, with a large mouth that makes up 50% of its face, with the teeth positioned circularly around the mouth with another set placed shortly behind the first set, it lacks any eyes or nose, but has a pair of internal ears, with a oblong segmented body with 4 yellow lines stretching from the mouth to the end of the body with each line being placed 90 degrees apart from each other, the inside of its mouth is orange and the teeth are yellow.
Moves: Bite, Crunch, Bug Bite, Dig, Growl, Screech, Gastro Acid, Sand Attack, Mud-Slap, Supersonic, Water Gun.
Other Notes: as the species has no eyes or nose, they instead navigate by mapping out their environment through vibrations produced by either themselves or other sources or through echolocation, they also contain 2 internal sacs with 1 being used to store water and the other for sand or mud, their diet consist of mineral rich earth based materials of which they need to consume their weight in, their usual habitat consists of oases and underground caverns with a water source.
Physical Statistics: low HP, low attack, low special attack, average defence, low special defence, average speed.
Evolution: Dominth

Species Name: Dominth
Type: Bug/Ground
Egg Group: Bug/Amorphous Group
Ability: Rough Skin
Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Height: 2 feet 4 inches
Length: 4 feet 7 inches
Weight: 135 lbs
Description: purplish-brown segmented hide with no limbs, with six bright red lines going from the mouth the end of the body with each placed 60 degrees apart from each other, the mouth takes up most of the head and has 3 sets of teeth aligned circularly around the mouth and throat, with the inside of the mouth being purple and the teeth are red, it has bristles around the edge of each segment, it has a pair of small black eyes placed behind the mouth, and has a pair of internal ears, it lacks any nose, it's body is cylindrical.
Moves: Bite, Crunch, Screech, Growl, Gastro Acid, Mud-Slap, Sand Attack, Leech Life, Supersonic, Water Gun, Scald, Dig, Bug Bite, Pin Missile, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Drill Run, Earth Power, Magnitude, Mud Shot, Mud Bomb, Rototiller, Sand Tomb, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice.
Other Notes: it uses echolocation and vibrations as its primary way of sensing its surroundings with its weak eyes used primarily to detect airborne enemies and attacks, but are unreliable for making out details or for aiming, they contain 2 internal sacs with 1 being used to store water for drinking and the other for sand or mud, their diet consists of mineral rich earth based materials of which it only needs to consume half of its body weight, it only needs to eat a few times a month, its usual habitat consists of oases and underground caverns, although if come across a building, they will instead take up residence there and are considered pests as they will slowly eat away the foundation and plumbing.
Physical Statistics: average HP, average attack, low special attack, high defence, low special defence, high speed.
Evolution: Wyrmocalypse

Species Name: Wyrmocalypse
Type: Bug/Dragon
Egg Group: Dragon/Amorphous Group
Ability: Subterranean King- is also treated as a ground-type when calculating for resistances, weaknesses, attack boosts, and other effects.
Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Height: 40 feet 5 inches
Length: 70 feet 8 inches
Weight: 926 lbs
Description: crimson red segmented limbless hide with large spikes protruding from the edges of each segment, with a mouth which takes up most of the head, it has 4 sets of teeth circularly aligned around the mouth and throat, it has 3 pairs of large black eyes set behind the mouth with a pair of internal ears, its teeth are black and the inside of the mouth is white, it has 8 black lines extending from the mouth to the end of the body each placed 45 degrees apart from each other, it has a cylindrical body with both ends being conical.
Moves: Bite, Crunch, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Bug Bite, Roar, Screech, Supersonic, Growl, Hyper Voice, Echoed Voice, Earthquake, Fissure, Dig, Magnitude, Sand Attack, Mud-Slap, Mud Bomb, Water Gun, Scald, Hydro Pump, Mud Shot, Rototiller, Drill Run, Sand Tomb, Earth Power, Pin Missile, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Leech Life, Gastro Acid, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Outrage, Iron Tail, Rage, Slam, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Rock Blast, Rock Tomb, Heavy Slam, Iron Head.
Other Notes: it prefers to stay underground, only moving above ground to drink or during fights, it is highly territorial with its own kind, but often ignores other Pokémon unless confronted, its diet consists of mineral rich earth based materials of which it needs to only consume 1/10 its own weight, it only needs to eat once per year, few are able to live in the wild due to the fact that many of this Pokémon would destroy continents in a short period of time, if resources are low they have been know to eat either parts of or even entire buildings, thus discouraging taking resources from their territories and inadvertently leaving their territories as nature reserves, their usual habitat consists of large swaths of land equaling 103599.52 square kilometres or 40000 square miles.
Physical Statistics: high HP, very high attack, average special attack, very high defence, average special defence, very high speed.
Evolution: none

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