RWBY part 1

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Name: Birgus "B" Latro
Sex: male
Race: Crab Faunus
Age: 17
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 220 lbs
Description: short crimson hair, amber eyes, due to his Crab Faunus heritage his skin is replaced by a highly durable crimson red shell except around the face, large scars adorn the shell covering most of his body, somewhat muscular physique, slightly long nose, wears black sweet pants, black tank top, black gloves, and black combat boots, he also wears a highly durable faceplate to cover the only part of his body not covered by his shell.
Personality: intelligent, tough, tactical, aggressive, gains a feral aspect to his demeanour while fighting, proud to be a Faunus and readily displays this fact whenever possible.
Occupation: Huntsman-in-training
Semblance: Slip-allows the user to make any surface in a 2 meter radius so slippery that it is impossible for any kind of grip to be held on the objects or surfaces and causes anything that hits the affected area to ride along the slippery area until it leaves contact with the area and because of the slippery area no momentum, force, velocity, or acceleration is decreased or lost, this can be used to dodge attacks, trip up enemies, disarm enemies, or for moving quickly if one has enough control to do so, the slippery surfaces are ineffective at deflecting large objects and cannot soften impacts from hits or falls, the activation of the semblance is seen by the bubbles that continuously float off the shell of the user until it is deactivated.
Weapon: Vexing Moon-in melee it bears the form of a Man Catcher, which is used to catch and pin enemies especially opponents relying on mobility rather than strength and is otherwise used like a cross between a war hammer and a bo staff, in regards to attacking using the head and pole respectively, it can fire long poisonous darts even while being used in melee, the darts being fired from the centre of the of the head, the darts are designed to pierce thick armour, the poison is non-lethal but can incapacitate those hit by it in under 5 minutes.
Other Abilities: his tough shell can deflect low to medium caliber bullets and slashing and piercing weapons, like any other Hunter he has an Aura used to block damage his is higher than average but not by an unusual amount, he is well versed in using his semblance and is able to move around using it and instinctively activates it upon hearing loud bangs and whooshing noises, he is also a prodigy in crafting weapons and armour.
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: other Faunus, making weapons and armour, analyzing weapons and armour, fighting, seafood, coconuts, shiny objects, buffing repairing and maintaining weapons and armour.
Dislikes: anti-Faunus statements and beliefs, discrimination against Faunus, dry heat, breaking weapons and armour, bullies, perfumes, fancy clothing, oil.
Romantic Interests: prefers other Faunus but is okay with humans that are nice enough, anyone who appreciates his work, dedicated and loyal people.

Name: Victor Gloom
Sex: male
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 170 lbs
Description: pale complexion, purple eyes, black hair, with a slim physique, wears a black armoured trench coat and fedora that usually casts a shadow over his face, black boots, and black pants.
Personality: gloomy, paranoid, distrusting, hateful towards others, hostile, intelligent, stalkerish.
Occupation: Huntsman-in-training
Semblance: Emotion-allows him to cause great emotional shifts to anyone in a 5 meter radius, making them become anything from giddy with uncontrollable laughter to depressed with no motivation to move and any other emotion, it is possible for someone with extremely good control over their emotions to resist this effect but it is mentally taxing to do so, it's activation can be denoted by the fact that emoticons of the emotion he is projecting onto his target(s) hover around them until deactivated.
Weapon: Melancholy Cutter-in melee it takes the form of a long bladed chainsaw that can easily cut through most commonly used metals and can be transformed into a high-powered rail gun that accelerates compressed pellets of dust at extremely fast speeds to penetrate thick armour, the dust pellets combust once they are reduce to at least 2/3 of their original speed, it has a very low rate of fire with the time in between each shot requiring 5 seconds for the mechanism to reset, it must enter a cool down state for 2 minutes if 6 or more shots have been fired in under a minute, the recoil of the weapon requires great strength and stable footing to stop the user from being pushed back or falling down, the weapon itself also requires lots of strength to simply use it and not become impaired by its weight, only those accustomed to using heavy ordnance weapons can hope to easily use this in battle.
Other Abilities: great strength allows him to be able to effortlessly carry his weapon around, he has amazing sensory capabilities on par with and sometimes exceeding that of a Faunus due to his highly paranoid nature, is able to work extremely well on his own and capable of taking on multiple opponents with little difficulty.
Sexuality: asexual (wouldn't dare try to trust someone enough to get involved with anyone)
Likes: being alone, quiet, the dark, uncovering and solving secrets and conspiracies.
Dislikes: others, loud noises, bright lights, being kept in the dark about info, others invading his privacy.

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