Infinite Stratos part 1

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Name: Zachary Gildren
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 300 lbs
Nationality: Canadian, hailing from Regina, Saskatchewan.
Description: pale complexion, messy dirty blonde hair, heavily augmented to pilot an IS augments include: arms and legs being replaced with lightweight metals that have a skeletal appearance, crimson eyes, and the remaining part of the body is fit and has average muscle definition. his uniform appears as a traditional males uniform except for extra padding and insulation to protect against cold and from impacts and makes him appear somewhat larger than he actually is, he also wears black gloves. his IS pilot outfit covers the entirety of his arms and legs and he keeps his gloves on.
Personality: intelligent, analytical, tactical, often blunt, has difficulty understanding sarcasm and foreign metaphors, good at reading body language, socially inept, cold and appears emotionless, often plans schemes out to gain favours or gifts.
IS: Flux Climate- a medium sized IS outfitted with a tank on the back that feeds tubes that lead to dispensers attached near the wrist which can dispense either hot flames or freezing mist and refuels similar to firearms used by other ISs although it can't instantly change which it fires as it first needs to unload all of the "fuel" loaded in its tank before changing to the other selection, the flames are better suited to taking out shields quickly at close range while the mist can freeze the joints of an IS making it slow down, it can also deploy up to 8 drones that are spherical and fire bursts of high voltage electricity or can connect their electricity together to create nets and snares of electricity, they are quite fast and difficult to hit, the IS is coloured with a mix of vibrant reds and blues, with a black trim, the IS has a medium amount of armour covering it to provide decent protection and so as not to inhibit speed too much, the IS's speed is quite fast, and is only out performed by ISs specifically geared towards high speed, it works extremely good as a close to mid-range fighter but has great difficulty fighting long range combatants, while in standby mode his IS takes the form of belt with a T buckle icon.
Other Abilities: he has excellent piloting skills, he also has decent repair and maintenance capabilities in dealing with an IS able to perform basic repair and maintenance procedures and able to jury-rig temporary fixes for more difficult issues and is also capable at repair and maintenance of his augmented parts, is fully capable at speaking, reading, and writing in English and is mostly able to do the same with Japanese and French.
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: learning new things, testing his IS, polishing his augments, doing any mental puzzles, eating, watching anime, talking and nature.
Dislikes: idiots, jerks, wasting time/energy/resources, smoke, being talked down to, and having his intelligence insulted.
Romantic Interests: smart, caring, and tough girls, preferring those he can relate to on some level.

Name: Jessy Vondel
Sex: female
Age: 15
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: 130 lbs
Nationality: American, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Description: brown hair done up in twin buns slightly behind the centre of the sides of her head, with some freckles on her cheeks, has a slim but lean physique, has a somewhat tanned complexion. He uniform looks similar to the females usual outfit except hers has short sleeves, and instead of a skirt she has somewhat lose-fitting pants, she also often wears sunglasses.
Personality: intelligent, stand-offish, sassy, teasing, humourous, talkative, caring, supportive, defensive of her friends and family.
IS: High-Stakes Roulette- a large IS that is outfitted with dual revolvers that can randomly fire six different types of ammunition, splitting shots, shield piercing shots, tar shots, electrical shots, flash bang shots, and high speed shots, the type of ammunition is randomly selected by spinning the chambers around, the ammo type doesn't change unless spun again, the pilot is unable to select the ammo type leading to both an advantage of unpredictable shots but makes planning ahead almost useless due to the unpredictability, the IS is also outfitted with a medium length chainsaw-like blade, this IS performs great as a jack of all trades and can easily take on one enemy or multiple if they are uncoordinated enough, although it is weakest against highly specialized ISs and a well coordinated team of ISs, it has high armour coverage slowing it down tremendously but giving it an extreme boost to defense, it is coloured with an alternating black and red stripped pattern with gold trim, while in standby mode the IS takes the form of an armband with the Joker card imprinted on it.
Other Abilities: easily reads, writes, and speaks English and Japanese, is an adequate fighter outside an IS and usually fights with a boxer-street brawler mixed style, she's also an able pilot and can go toe-to-toe with many pilots.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: fighting, cooking, learning new languages, defending others, making friends.
Dislikes: bullies, losing fights, getting teased, being insulted.
Romantic Interests: just about anyone with a nice bod and a cool personality, but favours the latter over the former.

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