Danmachi part 1

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Name: Edmund Artegall
Species: human
Sex: male
Age: 34
Height: 8 feet 5 inches
Weight: 315 lbs
Description: a large bulky build, with large limbs and a bloated stomach, the head is hidden under a metal helmet with a grill-like face plate, wears a dirty blood-stained apron, and also wears a pair of dirty brown pants.
Personality: brutish, barbaric, silent, violent, sadistic, relentless.
Familia: Unknown
Level: 4
Alias: The Butcher
Stats: Strength- A876, Endurance- S965, Dexterity- B793, Agility- B709, Magic- F354
Skills: Inhuman- rank-A, this being has committed evil deeds, as such monsters no longer attack unless provoked, they can gain excelia by killing adventurers, gaining half of the excelia the adventurer they've killed has for that level, in addition to this their abilities improve while fighting humans, demi-humans, spirits, and gods, Cannibal- rank-C, by eating humans, demi-humans, spirits, and/or gods the user gains a big boost to their stats for a limited time, duration is based on how much eaten with 1 minute equal to 1 lbs of flesh eaten, Dreadful Aura- rank-B, an active skill, when activated, an aura is produced that causes others, friend and foe alike, to become scared, lowering their stats and increasing their chance to run away.
Magic- Blood Chains- rank-C, by consuming someone's blood and saying the incantation, any blood spilled by them turns into chains that bind them to the floor and any nearby walls, the more blood loss the more chains there are, incantation- Let the rivers of life turn into the chains of imprisonment.
Equipment: Cursed Butcher's Blades- a pair of long 5 foot swords with 2 foot wide blades, they look like a pair of enlarged butcher's knives, they are imbued with the curse, Chrysaor- a passive curse that causes the swords to slice through flesh almost instantly but instead of killing the opponent, it completely separates the part of the body cleaved, causing no bleeding, and leaving which ever part still attached to the head fully functional, parts can be reattached by holding the part in the correct position and using a simply healing spell, because of this the swords are unable to kill anything with their edges but are still able to damage clothing and armour,
Other Abilities: specializes in fighting adventurers meaning he is able to fight opponents stronger than himself as most adventurers fight poorly against non-monsters, expert in anatomy of all creatures he has encountered, amazing cook, highly advanced survival skills.
Sexuality: bisexual
Likes: monsters, the dungeon, eating, killing, cooking.
Dislikes: non-monsters, the surface, losing prey, being hungry.
Romantic Interests: anything as long as it is a monster or part monster.

Name: Melody Piper
Species: Pallum
Age: 10
Sex: female
Height: 3 feet 4 inches
Weight: 50 lbs
Description: small with a lithe figure, short messy brown hair, green eyes, small button nose, freckles adorn the cheeks, wears a pair of brown pants with black suspenders with the suspenders going over top of a dark green tank top, a pair of brown gloves, wears a pair of brown boots, and also wears a brown leather jacket unzipped with 2 long inside pockets and a dark green bycocket with a short red feather on her head, has a somewhat masculine voice.
Personality: bubbly, cheerful, naive, innocent, shy, playful, supportive, romantic, talkative, honest, loyal, childish, kind, tomboyish, carefree.
Familia: Loki Familia
Level: 2
Alias: Harmonic Grace
Stats: Strength- I69, Endurance- C608, Dexterity- A877, Agility- A831, Magic- S955
Skills: Fairy Melody- allows the user to cast magic without an incantation as long as they play a melody determined by the user beforehand, this type of magic cannot be blocked by physical defences, and the caster can move around as long as they continue to play, Captivate- rank-D, a type of passive charm magic, when not casting magic, any melody played can charm humans, demi-humans, and monsters, into following orders played through the melody, the effect stops when they stop playing for 5 whole seconds, this effect can also disrupt focus if it is unable to charm, Reverberating Melody- when playing music, the sound seems to come from several different directions, making it impossible to pinpoint the origin by listening, this also allows for more to be affected by the music.
Magic: Fortissimo- offensive magic, its effects change with different melodies from confusion and poison to paralysis and burn, all melodies however must be loud, Pianissimo- healing magic, its effects change with different melodies from simple healing to abnormal status negation, all melodies however must be soft, Mezzo- support magic, its effects change with different melodies and volume, with a louder melody provides stat boosts, a softer one provides other miscellaneous buffs, however all melodies must be of about average volume.
Equipment: Magic Flute- looks like a standard tannish-brown wooden flute, but is made of a magically conductive wood that boosts magic power, the body has a winding vine design carved into it.
Other Abilities: amazing at playing the flute (obviously), great dancer, acrobatic, good at judging character, can identify a monster based on the sounds they make, practically has echolocation, good at detecting and understanding body language.
Sexuality: unsure
Likes: playing her flute, helping in the dungeon, cheering others up, talking, writing melodies, listening to music, playing with others.
Dislikes: jerks, being looked down on, creeps, being alone, not being allowed to play her flute.

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