New Updates

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A/N: So I haven't posted anything for a while just making slight tweaks here and there to the already posted chapters, I have been working on new chapters and have finished a few, so disregard the last post about my hiatus, whenever I have enough to post something I will, the time between posts could be a difference of hours to weeks or longer, I partly blame that on my ADHD which makes it difficult to focus on tasks for extended periods of time, even to the point where doing things that I enjoy start to become boring after a small period of time, the longest I've ever invested my attention to a single thing was when I binge watched RWBY Volumes 5-8, so updates will be all over the place, though to the amount of people that really care about this is paltry, I have 3 followers of which I can't confirm if any are following me because of this series of chapters, 1 started following me not long after replying to a comment I had made on another story, and the other 2 I have absolutely no clue about, in addition to that I am trying my hand at writing up an original series of my own, while I'm terrible at writing fan fiction, I'm considerable better at original story writing, I plan it to be a constantly updating in lore and hope it does well, I'm not expecting some huge audience but I'm hoping at least for a small fan base, my friend who has requested those mature character ideas has also offered help in writing some of the more "explicit" content if I desire to go down that path, they're an expert with that stuff, if there name is anything to go by, @Master_of_Taboo is their name if you want to check them out. Either way that's why I haven't been updating so after I post this update I'll post the few chapters I've finished, bye!

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