She-Ra and the Princesses of Power part 1

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[A/N: It's Pride month so I thought I'd do one with exclusively a LGBTQAI+ character, and of all the series I've watched, I believe She-Ra and the Princesses of Power have the most characters/relationships which fit in this category, as there were at least 4 canon relationships between characters of the same sex, and 1 character of some importance who was non-binary, and even some characters who are in what appear to be a heterosexual relationship who are confirmed to be on the spectrum between heterosexuality and homosexuality, so with it being a show I personally loved for not only its animation, story, and so on, but also because it might be the most popular Western animation to prominently (and almost exclusively) feature non-cisgender characters and in addition to that it is also one of the only Western children's animation to prominently feature LGBTQAI+ relationships and characters, so for that I've decided to use it for my inspiration, and once again HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 2021 EVERYONE!!]

Name: Yiang [pronounced yee-Ang]
Species: Duevan [not a canon species]
Sex: hermaphrodite
Pronouns: they, them, their
Self Referencing: us, we, our
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 165 lbs
Description: large barrel-like torso with 2 pairs of muscular legs with each pair pointed in opposite directions, with 4 pairs of slim arms with 2 pairs facing 1 direction and the other 2 facing the other direction, 2 long slim necks that lead to human-like heads with 1 facing 1 direction and the other facing the opposite direction, the bodies alternate in colour between white and black with the colours swirling around the body until coming to the necks, where one neck up is white while the other is black up, the white head has long straight black hair with bangs coming down just above the eyes, and the black head has short spiky white hair, the eyes of both heads have golden irises but the black head has white sclera while the white head has black sclera, the black head has white lips and the white head has black lips, the black head has is more feminine in appearance while the white head is more masculine in appearance, their clothing consists of a poncho made with a black and white cloth, all arms have black and white elbow length gloves, each pair of legs has black and white pants, and each foot has black and white hiking boots, both heads also wear a sandogasa made of black and white plant fibres.
Personality: the black head is more aggressive, antisocial, stoic, serious, dense, sarcastic, and stubborn, while the white head is more docile, outgoing, teasing, humourous, perceptive, and easygoing, both heads share the traits of being intelligent, manipulative, cooperative, wary, sympathetic, and supportive.
Occupation: former rulers/last of their kind
Racial Abilities: both heads share a telepathic link to one another, although either head is able to close this link and neither can invade the other's mind, each head has control of all limbs that are facing the same direction of them and can move them at the same time as each other, however when using the legs they become slightly hunch over the raise the other's legs off the ground since for 1 head they would be trying to walk backwards if all 4 were used and would instead reduce mobility and grace, despite being two entities they share the same body and thus share 1 stomach, 2 lungs, 1 heart, etc, but as they don't share brains, they are able to focus equally on 2 different tasks, in addition to this, each head can sleep independently of the other, allowing 1 head to stay awake while the other rests, each head only needs 4 full hours of sleep to be fully rested.
Manners and Traditions: in Duevan culture it is considered very rude to only face 1 head when talking to them unless 1 head is asleep because of this Duevans will stand sideways when talking to others to allow both heads an equal chance to be seen and talked with, another rude gesture is referring to a Duevan with any gender-related pronoun as all Duevans are hermaphrodites and always use they, them, and their pronouns, another Duevan tradition is to introduce ones self before making eye contact as making eye contact is a seen as a form of equality and it is believed that without a proper name to associate with someone they are then inferior, another tradition among Duevan is to allow both heads to speak together as they are considered 2 halves of the same whole a deserve to speak as 1, a final tradition is that Duevan allow polygamy as it is believed that more spouses one has is an indication of ones compassion.
Runestone: Converse Obsidian
Magic Abilities: through a connection with their runestone, they are granted powers of absorbing and releasing energy, the black head's arms are able to absorb any type of energy, from kinetic and thermal to electrical and magical, while the white side's hands are able to release this energy at anytime, although they can only store up to 20,000 MW at a time and attempting to absorb any more will fail and force them to take the full brunt of the attack, all energy absorbed will retain its properties upon being released meaning that physical attacks will have the same area of affect as the absorbed attack, electrical energy will be attracted to metal, and magical energy will retain the same element as when absorbed, distance also affects the effectiveness of releasing energy as most kinetic energy will prove ineffective or useless if not in contact with something, and other sources like thermal and electrical energy's effectiveness are reduced the further the target is from the point of release, however magical energy is not affected by distance unless the source it was absorbed from would be.
Other Abilities: master at playing the harp, piano, violin, cello, base, guitar, and drums, can sing in an alto, soprano, bass, and tenor, good at cooking, fairly capable survivalist, excellent sense of direction, trained in an unorthodox style of fighting only usable by those with a similar body structure.
Sexuality: pansexual
Likes: making friends, eating exotic and new food, exploring new places, learning anything, discovering artifacts, ruins, fossils, etc.
Dislikes: pollution, staying in one place too long, idiots, others being rude to them, being called names.
Romantic Interests: Duevans have no interest in another's appearance, instead finding partners based on their capability for love and compassion and on common interests.

[A/N 2: Just the 1 character but this is one of my more detailed characters to date, I'll also be adding the tag, pride month, to the story for the duration of the month, and then I will remove the tag, and then re-add it for future Pride months, it's a month for me too as I'm also part of the LGBTQAI+ community, I'm both asexual and non-binary.]

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