Naruto part 1

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Name: Shinku "The Leech" Tosatsu
Sex: male
Age: 20
Height: 6 feet 6 inches
Weight: 185 lbs
Nation: Mizu no Kuni/Kiri no Kuni-missing-nin from Kirigakure
Description: spiky crimson hair that covers the eyes and ears from others but still allows him to see perfectly, extremely pale complexion to the point of being almost translucent, very sharp teeth that grow in a circular manner along the inner and outer mouth (in the same way a leech's teeth are placed), has sharp nails, crimson red eyes, wears a bog green jacket and pants, along with a black muscle shirt with red trim and black boots, wears a black face mask out of combat and has bandages covering his hands and feet, usually carries around a bog green backpack carrying his possessions, has a bag strapped to both of his legs carrying an assortment of specially designed kunai and shuriken.
Personality: intelligent, analytical, silent, sneaky, manipulative, bloodthirsty, goes berserk upon tasting blood becoming wild and loud and highly aggressive.
Clan: Tosatsu Clan
Kekkei Genkai: Living Blood-this Kekkei Genkai allows the user the freely and completely manipulate their blood both while inside and outside their bodies, easily allowing for weapons and armour or simply being able to slow down or speed up blood flow to increase energy output or slow down calorie burn to increase time between meals, and can control their blood at a max distance of 15 meters but the blood must be at least 1 gallon worth and in within 1 meter of each other to do so, they can even manipulate their blood when inside another beings body and can eventually control their blood too as it becomes "infected".
Kekkei Genkai Techniques: Blood Armour-turns blood into a layer of armour that easily bends with the users movements but condenses before and at the area of impact, Blood Weaponry-turns blood into any sort of melee weaponry, weaponry must stay in contact with the user or it will disperse quickly, Flow Up-increases blood flow to increase energy output, Flow Down-decreases blood flow to decrease the rate of caloric burn, Drain-using the teeth unique to the clan, users are able to bite others and drain them of their blood, Blood Infusion-allows the user to infuse their chakra into another persons blood to control it, this gives it all the same properties and capabilities of the user's own blood except genetic properties, Blood Transformation-the user can create basic shapes using their blood like spikes and balls, and is able to project them through the skin without damaging themselves.
Chakra Affinity: Water and Earth
Affinity Techniques: all basic and advanced water techniques and all basic and some advanced earth techniques.
Genjutsu Techniques: all basic and many advanced techniques.
Taijutsu Techniques: all basic and all advanced techniques.
Ninjutsu Techniques: all basic and all advanced techniques, and some master techniques.
Rank: S-Rank Criminal
Ratings: Chakra Levels-B, Chakra Control-S, Sensory Ability-C, Stealth Ability-A, Physical Ability-A, Mental Ability-S, Ninjutsu-S, Genjutsu-B, Taijutsu-A.
Equipment: barbed kunai and shuriken that make it difficult to pull out of flesh and cause more bleeding if attempting to remove them without surgery.
Sexuality: straight
Likes: blood, killing people, draining the blood from people, swimming, eating new foods, leeches, alcohol.
Dislikes: people surviving his attacks, losing blood, salty foods, high cholesterol foods, sugary foods, running away, people seeing his face, bullies.
Romantic Interests: tough, confident, and feisty woman, especially those with an affinity for plants, animals, or fungi.

Name: Suraisa
Species: Kamaitachi (a type of yokai)
Sex: N/A
Age: 7
Height: 2 feet
Weight: 5 lbs
Nation: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni
Description: a brown weasel like body with a whitish stripe through the centre of the body, long sickle-like claws, whiskers each roughly 2 inches, and a 4 inch tail.
Personality: mischievous, fun loving, lazy, witty, becomes aggressive when provoked.
Abilities: Sickle Claw-a slashing attacking using its claws that create painless gashes that aren't felt by the victim which could lead to them dying of blood loss as they are unable to feel that they are losing blood the cuts also appear as though a sickle was used to create them, Flying Flip-it can fly through the air up to 60 meters in total distance by continuously performing flips it is extremely agile and can weave around targets within an centimetre around and can even turn 180 degrees in an instant it can also combine this ability with Sickle Claw to create a whirlwind of slashes, Invisibility-like most yokai it remains invisible to most humans unless it wishes to reveal itself yokai are also able to see other yokai (with a few exceptions) regardless of if they are invisible to humans, Babble-it is able to communicate with any animal with even a little intelligence except aquatic animals as they are underwater it can also communicate with other yokai that have the ability to talk and can talk to humans though must reveal itself to do so.
Rank: B-rank inhuman entity
Sexuality: N/A
Likes: pranks, eating crops such as rice and wheat, stealing farm equipment, watching the sky, thinking up and solving riddles.
Dislikes: having its stuff stolen, others invading its nest, others disrespecting nature, breaking its claws, being made fun of.

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