Fairy Tail part 1

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Name: Voodoo
Species: undead
Sex: male
Age: 18 (before death) 139 (after resurrection)
Height: 10 feet 8 inches
Weight: 355 lbs
Description: a large build with bulging muscles and large limbs, any remaining skin is dark green in colour, bone is exposed from the the left side of the chest, the area around the right eye, from the left knee down the shin, the jaw, and the right forearm, the entire back of the spine is also exposed with flesh attached right to its sides, sharp teeth, 6 long metal spikes with rounded ends that stab into the back they are randomly placed, another of these spikes is placed through the side of the head, has long black straight chest length hair that obscures the face, wears a pair of stitched shorts with a thick chain used as a belt.
Personality: dim witted, brutish, hard headed, gullible, crude, undisciplined, viscous, misguided, battle savvy, lumbering.
Occupation: Independent Mage/Undead Experiment
Magic: Curse Magic- allows the user to place curses on objects and living organisms, curses have no direct usage in combat, physical contact with the target is required to set a curse, curses can only be broken by exerting large amounts of magical energy onto the seal, Nullification magic, Dispel magic, Wave magic, Letter magic, and Dark Écriture magic, can be used to disarm/disable curses, however the latter 2 are risky as they make cause the effects to worsen or have their magic backfire, while Wave magic is also risky as the user can only nullify 1 type of magic while Curse magic use many magics in its usage, curses consist of Trap curses which either stop movement or prevent advancing, Draining curses which drain magical energy from targets, Pain curses which cause consistent pain of different types from dull aches and soreness to burning or sharp sensations, Weight curses which can either increase the targets weight or decrease it, Anti-Sensory curses disable the senses, Transformation curses turn targets into something else, Confusion curses lower the intellectual capabilities of the target, and death curses guarantee the target will die, all curse effects will remain in place until dispelled or the target it is placed on has died, curses can affect the user and even outlive them.
Magic Attacks: Proximity Curse- a curse set on a surface that is activated by approaching it, distance from the centre of the curse before activation can be changed, the further from the centre the weaker the curse, curse type varies from trap, draining, confusion, and anti-sensory curses, Sticky Curse- a curse placed on a living organism that can many different effects that only affect the one with the sticky curse on them, curses can vary from sealing, trap, pain, weight, anti-sensory, transformation, confusion, and death curses, Voodoo Link- a curse attached to a target that links the caster and the target's bodies, when damage or an affliction affects one in the link, the other receives the exact same damage or affliction, Voodoo Cage- a curse placed on a target that transfers their soul into a special Lacrima when the body is killed, the soul is fully aware of their surroundings, and retain their own thoughts and personality, they are able to speak to others outside the Lacrima, however they are forced to follow any command made by the caster, Voodoo Doll- a curse that traps the targets soul inside a doll, the doll must look similar to the target, then the caster implants a foreign subservient soul into the now vacant body.
Other Abilities: due to his undead nature he is immune to all forms of disease and poison, he is also immune to all forms of dark magic, mind related magic, eye magic, and death magic, he is also immune to pain and exhaustion and doesn't require sleep, food, water, or oxygen, is capable of eating raw flesh and bones to regenerate his own lost flesh and bones, capable of reattaching limbs, unlike a modern zombie he can survive having his head/brain destroyed, the only way to kill him is to completely drain his magic energy, he is also immune to the physical repercussions imparted on a body for breaking a Taboo.
Sexuality: straight (A/N:Yes I know that having a relationship with him would technically count as necrophilia, but who cares? Some movies, shows, and books have a prominent relationship between the living and undead and everyone thinks it's sweet, so don't complain.)
Likes: killing the living, fighting strong opponents, eating the living.
Dislikes: the living, losing limbs, being fooled.
Romantic Interests: likes intelligent women. (cause as a zombie would know, brains can be beautiful.)

Name: Fornax "The Furnace"
Species: Celestial Spirit
Sex: N/A
Age: Unknown
Height: 13 feet 5 inches
Weight: 865 lbs
Width: 6 feet 4 inches
Description: a large bulky metal body with cylindrical limbs that widen slightly near the ends, with no hands the ends of the arms have 10 inch long rectangular tabs used as fingers, they are placed 90 degrees apart from one another, the bottoms of the legs are also the feet with no toes, the arms, legs, and head are attached to the torso by black metal bands bolted into the body, the metal bands also protect the joints but limits mobility, the torso is large and barrel-like with a fire constantly burning, the front of the torso has a large furnace door that takes up most of the front through the long grill the fire can be seen, and from the back 2 exhaust pipes both 4 feet long extend out from the upper back, smoke is constantly being emitted from them, the head is shaped like a dome, with the mouth being a grill and the eyes are small slits, both have orange light glowing out from them. Their key is silver key with a straight blade and a tip shaped like a flame, the bow of the key is wide and blocky with the ending slightly tapering to a blocky end, inside of the bow is a depiction of a hammer and tongs crossing one another.
Personality: subservient, curious, loyal, quiet, calculating, strategic, efficient, analytical.
Magic: Fornax uses several different types of magic being above average in utilizing each type of magic but is easily outclassed by strong mages specializing in the same magic, they rely on versatility rather than power, Fire Magic, Smoke Magic, Iron-Make Magic, and Machine Soul Magic.
Magic Attacks: Inferno- a fire spell that heats the surrounding area to a ridiculously high temperature, as fire is not used in the spell it cannot be eaten, Heat Beam- a fire spell that channels heat into a beam projectile, Fornax fires it from their eyes, as fire is not used in the spell it cannot be eaten, Flame Torrent- a fire spell that shoots a massive amount of flames in the direction it is fired, its AOE is a cone, Fornax opens their door to execute this spell,
Smokescreen- a smoke spell where smoke is expelled into the air to provide a smokescreen obscuring vision, homing attacks cannot track targets inside the smoke cloud, Fornax performs this spell by expelling smoke from their exhaust pipes, Smoke Choke- a smoke spell where smoke is expelled and manipulated into forcing itself down a targets respiratory system preventing them from breathing forcing them into unconsciousness or killing them via asphyxiation, Fornax performs this by expelling smoke from their exhaust pipes, Iron-Make Body- as Fornax's body is made of iron, they can freely manipulate the form that any part of their body takes except for the torso which must be able to hold the fire inside, Assimilation- a machine soul spell that takes the specs from technology to be formed and then used, Fornax cannot use this spell on technology powered by electricity or advanced technology powered by magic, Fornax must touch the technology to assimilate it.
Other Abilities: Fornax's body is always hot so skin contact with them will almost always result in 2nd or 3rd degree burns, as Fornax is a Celestial Spirit, the iron that makes up their body cannot be eaten nor can the fire inside of them be consumed, incredible strength and durability, immune to fire magic, a master smith surpassed by none excepting a god.
Summoning Restrictions: cannot be summoned during winter, can only be summoned 2 times per month during spring and fall, can be summoned an unlimited amount of times during summer.
Sexuality: asexual
Likes: protecting others, learning new things, forging weapons, armour, accessories, etc, providing maintenance to forged materials.
Dislikes: being useless, shoddy craftsmanship, poor maintenance, egotistical smiths.

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