The Familiar of Zero/ Zero no Tsukaima part 1

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[A/N: bit of a warning here, this chapter is a little more mature than the others as one of my friends asked me to make some characters that are supposed to be adopted into a mature story, nothing too explicit or anything just a bit of a warning to younger viewers and others who might not want to read that, just avoid the last character here, as it's the most explicit, I'll give this warning on the other series that my friend wanted mature characters for.]
Name: Graag
Species: Troll
Sex: male
Age: 100
Height: 10 feet 5 inches
Weight: 450 lbs
Description: greenish brown skin similar in look and texture to a toad, long black hair that covers most of the head and hides everything except for his eyes which have black pupils and yellow irises and his large mouth that has many sharp teeth that he can open up to 1 foot wide and the second teeth on the right and left side on the bottom stick out of his mouth when his jaw is closed as they are roughly 6 inches long, he has broad shoulders and large bulging muscles, he has no visible abs but is still quite solid in his core.
Personality: aggressive, protective, dumb, literally no social skills, curious, dense, instinctual, rude.
Elemental Affinity: earth and water.
Magic: advanced geomancy and basic hydromancy.
Magical Qualities: super strength, super durability, regeneration, toxic skin, magical resistance(except against ingested/injected magic), immortality, alchemically precious mucus/slime (for immortality potions obviously).
Other Abilities: has basic knowledge of fighting and often relies on attacking weak points if brute force doesn't work, basic knowledge of cooking only enough to know how to cook using a fire and spit, can speak on a very low level often only using the bare minimum of words to get his point across and no complex words, advanced knowledge of nature often knowing more than veteran survivalists about plants, animals, and fungi, has heightened sense of smell and hearing better than than any dog's.
Sexuality: straight.
Likes: meat, fish, small reptiles and amphibians (not as food), marshlands, hunting, fighting, women (but not in a rapey way).
Dislikes: using human sized tools, not understanding someone, men, small doorways, breaking stuff unnecessarily, the cold, dry heat.
Romantic Interests: most women in general, they can be washboard flat to top heavy, skinny to plump, young to old (but again he'd never rape them).

Name: ???
Species: Shade
Sex: ???
Age: ???
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: N/A
Description: appears as a large black billowing cloak with the hood up that cast shadows that cover the body, only parts of the body seen are the pure red glowing eyes, mouth with sharp teeth always set in a creepy smile, and occasionally its arms that come from the cloak when needed which appear as long black skeletal arms with long pointy fingers.
Personality: doesn't really have one it kinda just hovers around and doesn't talk or show much reaction to anything, although it often laughs when some one gives a good insult, falls for a prank of any kind, or when its hurting something, its laugh is creepy and echoey and sends chills down other's backs.
Elemental Affinity: unknown but necromantic in nature.
Magical Qualities: most corporeal objects phase through it unless it wants to touch it, can phase through most objects unless a strong ward is placed on it, its attacks can pass through any armour, can suck magical energy out of magical objects and creatures including humans through physical contact, mostly hovers but can fly at slow speeds.
Other Abilities: who knows? if it has any it sure as hell ain't sharing them.
Sexuality: it won't tell me so let's say asexual for now.
Likes: insults, pranks, causing pain.
Dislikes: the sun, bright lights, holy objects, places, and people.

Name: None
Species: unknown species of plant.
Sex: it's a plant so hermaphrodite.
Age: 2
Height: from stem to head-6 inches, roots length unknown.
Weight: impossible to weigh.
Description: the plant appears similar to a rose in shape but instead of green stem and thorns, they are a mix of vivid purples and pinks, the petals of the flower are still red, however in place of the centre of the flower is a set of razor sharp teeth that move in a circular manner around the "mouth" when eating, the "mouth" when open shows off its eye, which appears human except for the sclera instead of a pupil, in addition the iris is blood red and has bulging veins clearly visible around the eye, it also has a pair of vines free of thorns that it can use to grab and manipulate objects to a degree, they seem to be able to stretch up to 2 feet from the stem just under the head, it also appears to be able to replicate the genitalia of any living creature.
Personality: not much of a personality given its limited intelligence, but it appears to be curious and observatory, it also acts in a manner most would call perverted, often looking up women's skirts and groping their breasts and making purring noises at men and lightly wrapping its vines around their lower region.
Elemental Affinity: earth.
Magical Properties: can emit an aroma that acts as a strong aphrodisiac and the liquid that leaks from its head can be used to make love potions and "enhancers" of the strongest potency, also can emit another aroma that appears to attract rodents towards it, a third aroma it gives off is so unbearably disgusting that it can cause vomiting in any that inhale it for more than 5 seconds the liquid that leaks from the head can be used in highly potent but non-fatal poisons, its roots appear to embed themselves effortlessly in structures allowing it to move around without leaving the ground the roots however do not damage the structure nor are ever visible and can only be detected through certain detection charms it also seems to be able to retract the roots and replant them in objects it wishes to move on it somehow does this without any being able to see the process.
Other Abilities: it is highly intelligent for a plant and while not quite near human level of intelligence, it is smarter that most animals and can even understand basic commands and learns to associate things with different meanings quickly.
Sexuality: Attracted to anything with sexual organs.
Likes: water, meat, eating, touching others.
Dislikes: being dry, being grabbed without permission, weed killer, sharp objects, plant eating insects such as aphids.
Romantic Interests: it appears to have no concept of romance though it is seemingly more attracted to any creature with impressive physical traits such as large breasts, big muscles, thick horns, tall stature, etc, and prefers younger individuals capable of reproduction.

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