Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir part 1

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Name: Enzo Solé
Species: Spirit/Akumatized Villain
Sex: male
Age: 26 (at the time of death)
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: N/A
Description: purplish-translucent with long hair covering the upper part of the face and going down to the back of the neck, with a jacket, sweatpants, and sneakers. when Akumatized becomes amorphous losing the entire lower half of the body and all their clothing, and becomes blackish-translucent and gains long arms with claws and a large maw with fangs and glowing red eyes with 2 long blue lines stretching from under the eyes to the bottom of the torso, also losing the features of the face and hair.
Personality: sad, angry, lonely. when Akumatized becomes hateful, viscous, vengeful, crazy, wild, cunning.
Villain Name: Poltergrief
Important Object: his tombstone
Reason for being Akumatized: after living a terrible life and then dying and upset over the fact that no one remembers him, he stays at his tombstone as the only reminder of his existence, willing accepts the Akuma to make everyone feel the same pain he has suffered through.
Powers: as a spirit he is invisible to mortals except those who wield a Miraculous, he is able to fly, float, and phase through objects not imbued with a Miraculous's energy however this also means they can't interact with regular objects, by phasing his claws through people he makes them feel the emotional pain he felt, while his claws can't phase through those who wield a Miraculous he can still inflict damage on the Kwamis by attacking the Miraculous user directly and forcing the Kwami to retract their power from the user leaving them defenceless.
Other Abilities: photographic memory, advanced knowledge on the layout and underground systems of Paris, fast thinking.
Sexuality: asexual (cause they're a ghost)
Likes: being remembered, talking with others, making friends, making others feel better, people visiting his grave.
Dislikes: being forgotten, bullies, jerks, being disrespected, being lied to.

Name: Otto Kaiser
Species: human/Miraculous wielder
Sex: male
Age: 14
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 170 lbs
Nationality: German
Description: a pale complexion with short dirty blond hair done up in a pompadour, slightly muscular physique, wears a pair of goggles at all times which hide his blue eyes, he wears a pair of black sweatpants with 3 golden yellow stripes down the side, a black muscle shirt underneath a black high collared hood less jacket with a golden yellow stripe down the middle along the zipper, and with golden yellow sleeves, both of which have a large black circle with a golden yellow 13 inside it, they also wear a pair of black fingerless gloves, they usually zip the jacket all the way up so that the collar hides their mouth.
Personality: shy, intelligent, cold, observant, curious, perceptive, wise, sympathetic, sneaky, sly, witty, cunning, supportive, self serving, manipulative, prideful.
Hero Name: Corvus
Kwami: Siik- the Kwami of Contamination
Kwami Description: deep blue body with a black beak, and red sclera and black pupils, they also have 3 deep blue feathers coming out of the top of their head that fall down behind the head.
Miraculous: the Crow Miraculous contained in a pair of goggles.
Phrase: "Siik, take flight!" to transform, and "Siik,  take a perch!" to de-transform.
Powers: Miasma- the user releases a purplish mist that spreads up to 20 feet in every direction of the user when immobile, otherwise it spreads out behind them when they are running or moving any faster than that, from the nose holes of the mask that causes anyone to become severely weakened, reducing the power of their abilities as well as reducing their physical capabilities, it also functions as a smokescreen, the user also grows large deep blue wings from their back which allow flight, in addition to this the user gains the standard increase in their physical prowess that other Miraculous users gain when transformed.
Outfit: the outfit consists of a plague doctor's bird mask and hat, with a deep blue leather outfit, with black gloves and boots, the wings when not in use are wrapped around the body, forming what looks like a cloak, the mask also makes the voice sound hollow, the goggles expand into the mask.
Weapon: the weapon consists of a hook on the end of a 10 meter chain, both the chain and the hook are black in colour, when not in use it remains wrapped around the right forearm, it requires the user to swing 1 meter of chain to properly throw with up to 8 additional meters of chain following the initial 1 meter of chain after the throw, with any remaining length of chain remaining wrapped around the forearm, the user then must grab the chain and pull to reel in whatever they've hooked, it can also be used to grapple onto structures for increased mobility, it is relatively useless in close quarters combat.
Other Abilities: adept at German Ju-Jutsu fluently speaks, reads, and writes German, French, and Japanese, knows some English, Polish, and Italian, expert survivalist, highly knowledgeable on diseases, infections, illnesses, etc, amazing at video games, sharp hearing, good eyesight, strong sense of smell.
Sexuality: straight
Likes: learning new languages, video games, anime, being alone, reading, manipulating others to his favour, proving his intelligence, eavesdropping, learning other's secrets, baked goods.
Dislikes: crowds, being called an idiot, others invading his privacy, condiments, chocolate, being wrong.
Romantic Interests: likes girls who are ambitious, charming, and prideful, also likes girls with long hair.

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