Infection Pt 1

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*Fanfiction Request*

*Quick note. This'll be my version of the infection crossover. Most of the material will come from the show, the rest will be mine*

Jordan- 17

It was a bright sunny day in Chicago, Jordan was with everyone at the football stadium. Matt was there with some people from 51, almost all of intelligence was there, and Natalie was as well. Hank wasn't much for football; he stayed at the district doing some last minute work.

Jordan was tossing a football with Matt and Jay, she held the ball tight with both hands and threw it to Jay. The young detective had caught it.

"Nice throw Jo" Matt told the teen.

"Thanks Matt" Jordan replied, she had worn her brother's old Chicago Bears jersey.

"Don't tell her that too much Casey, her head will blow up" Jay teased.

Jordan had shot the detective a sarcastic look. "Ha ha very funny"

Kevin was struggling with the tv as Hailey brought over the sweet corn tamales. Jordan had gone over and took one with the other girls. Kelly told them to wait. The teen saw Kevin still struggling.

"Need some help Kev?" Jordan asked.

"No thanks baby girl" Kevin replied.

She sighed and started to try and fix the tv when Jay said something. Suddenly there was a commotion and they all had gone over, Kevin had kept Jordan back with him. The others were looking over a young male, he was seizing and Matt noticed blood on his leg. When Natalie pulled his pants leg up, his skin was covered in blood it had looked infected by something as most of his skin was gone.

Jordan hated being treated like a child, she was almost 18 dammit. She slipped away from Kevin to go see, she worked her way through the crowd when Jay kept her back.

"Don't look Jo" Jay advised her.

"Come on Jay, I'm not a kid anymore" Jordan protested.

"Trust me you don't wanna know"

She let out a frustrated sigh and when she caught a glimpse of the guy's leg, she had felt sick to her stomach. The young detective turned her away and shielded her from the sight.

"What the hell was that?" Her voice lowered.

"We don't know"

Everyone had gathered their stuff and headed for the hospital. Jordan couldn't get the picture out of her head. One of them had called Hank to let him know about the situation and meet them at the hospital.

Jordan sat down while the adults had talked to Will and Natalie about the guy, when they were finished Will had gone over to the teen.

"How ya doing sweetheart?" Will asked.

"My stomach is turning. What was wrong with his leg?" Jordan asked, feeling queasy.

"We don't know yet"

"I see why Jay told me to stay back"

Will pulled her in for a side hug and gave her a brotherly kiss on her head. "I'll bring you a bucket if you feel the need to get sick"

"Thanks Will"

"Anytime kiddo"

Hank had made it to the hospital he saw his daughter and ran to her, he grabbed her in a hug and held her. He quickly scanned her over for injuries.

"I'm fine dad, you don't have to worry about me" Jordan had told her father.

"Of course I have to worry about you" Hank replied back.

Jordan Voight: Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now