Wisdom Tooth

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Jordan- 16

Everyday for two weeks Jordan had felt pain on both sides of her jaw, she didn't think anything of it and she didn't want to bring it to her father until she was sure but little did she know he already knew.

Hank watched his daughter like a hawk, he watched how she messed with the bottom side of both her jaws. So he made her a dentist appointment without her knowing it.

Early one afternoon Hank had called out for the day so he could take Jordan to the dentist, the teen was confused on where they were going. Hank was driving and the whole time Jordan was very confused on where he was driving.

"Dad where are we going?" Jordan asked.

"You'll see". Hank replied.

15 minutes later they arrived to the dentist office and Jordan looked to her father with wide eyes. "Dad? Why are we here?"

"You know why, to get your jaw looked at".

"No, what if I need a tooth pulled?"

"There's nothing wrong with that".

"Not happening. Take me home".

"I will after you're appointment".

"Dad no, I hate the dentist".

"You'll be fine sweetheart. Besides he won't try anything funny with me here".

"How's that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Let's get inside".

"If I have to get a tooth pulled, I'm coming for you".

Hank chuckled. "If you say so sweetheart".

The father and daughter headed inside the building, Jordan sat down while her father signed her in for the day. Once he was finished he then went to take a seat by his daughter who was terrified.

"Jo it's gonna be alright sweetie, it's not that bad".

"I don't have a problem with doctors, it's dentist I don't like".

"They're practically the same thing except dentist work on teeth".

"And rip them out while you're awake, with an actual surgery you're asleep so you don't know it's happening".

"You'll be fine".

"Jordan Voight". A nurse called.

The teen then got up and followed the nurse, they got to the small office and she was set up the nurse left. Jordan waited for what seemed like hours for the dentist, a couple of minutes later a man who appeared to be in his early to late 30s, he had jet black hair, he wore a dress shirt with his lab jacket, jeans, and sneakers.

"Hi Jordan, I'm Dr. Avery". Avery said.

"How's it going". Jordan replies.

"What's going on".

"My jaw has been hurting recently on both sides, it hurts very bad and it's going to my ears".

"I'm gonna do a bitewing x-ray if you're comfortable with that".

"Let's go for it".

Avery then set up for the bitewing X-ray, Jordan was nervous the whole time. What if she did need a tooth pulled? She would be awake the whole time for it. A moment later she had bit down on the bitewing on the left and then the right side.

"Great job Jo, now we gotta wait to see what's going on".

"How long?"

"Shouldn't be too long".

Jordan Voight: Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now