Introducing the Bells

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It wasn't a surprise to anyone that the first daughter of the Bells family was called Joy, since they had been looking forward to finally form a family with the birth of their first daughter. One look to the baby girl and everybody knew she'd be someone. She was astoundingly gorgeous, with big honey eyes that would bewitch even the coldest - hearted person over the face of the earth, and brown hair that would have a glee of its own. The parents, Becky and Terry, were satisfied and thought it was enough with one, so when Becky got pregnant one year later, the worries increased to the point of almost opting for abortion. Of course, giving to it a second (fifth) thought, it wouldn't be alright that Joy couldn't have a brother, so it was settled. Everything was for their precious baby's sake.

At once everybody started giving gifts – baby toys, baby clothes, baby stuff – to the parents in color blue. Luckily, it would be a healthy boy, by all they had seen in the scan. It took a while to think about the right name for the baby boy, but Terry chose Robin, since it was his favorite bird. The room was painted blue, thousands of small toy cars were unpacked, and his name was painted in the blue door until the great day came. Becky had her baby. A beautiful, hazel-eyed baby... girl.

Terry didn't confess he was disappointed when he learned the truth because no parent is supposed to feel like that about their newborn baby. But he was and so was Becky. Months of work, painting everything blue, getting used to the name. Robin Bells. Could they change it?

A week later, Terry found out that Robin could also be used for girls, and it was common in England (in the earlier century, probably, but he didn't know that). So the baby girl was called Robin and she wasn't much of a trouble. She rarely cried, so her mother didn't have to look after her as much, but Joy became a nuisance calling for everybody's attention whenever they were near Robin. And so Mom Becky and Dad Terry took good care of Joy. And she became the happiest girl in the world, surrounded of friends and people who loved her dearly. When the tragedy that drew her parents away forever arrived – she was eight years old – she suffered a lot and ran into the arms of her grandparents, who loved her equally. Life in primary and middle school was amazing; she was popular with boys and girls. It wasn't hard for her to make friends and she was smart and funny, and, again, happy.

But not Robin.

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