Chapter Fourteen :Robin Hood

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She had to wait fifteen minutes to make a call, since Kellan was called in urgency somewhere else. Robin was seriously thinking about getting a cell phone after the awkwardness she felt when Kellan offered his own to make the call. That man was pure kindness. In the end, things didn't turn out as she had planned them.

She walked out of the room, and past the reception she saw the way out, a transparent door showing the dark night outside. It'd be better to wait outside. She hoped it wasn't colder than the gas station. Then, she wondered about Rossie. She wished she knew how to find her and pay for the coffee and chocolate cake. Debts weren't something she liked to have, less if her stupid conscience bugged her because of it.

But a figure coming in the opposite direction paralyzed her. The Raven, wearing a black coat of winter, also stopped dryly when he saw she was in front of him.

There was a dead silence. The girl had been alright till then, but now that he was standing in front of her, she felt something bitter coming up her throat and electricity shocking her intestines. By the first time ever, the Raven had nothing to say, though his mouth was open. Robin looked at the door and headed to it firmly, her hands turning into fists. When she walked past him, he automatically followed her.

"You don't look half injured as I pictured you. That's something good." She heard from behind. Her ears burnt. Only a few more steps and the way out... "Hold on, girl. Come on! Hold--!"

She had crossed the transparent hospital door and the coldness of the weather punched her face.

"Shoot!" She gasped for the impact and stopped. Elliot took advantage and grabbed her arm roughly. She kept her glare ahead.

"We need to talk." He said firmly, trying to catch her gaze, but Robin looked down. "Come on, the driver's waiting for—"

Robin, then, looked up to him with disbelief and disgust. Elliot didn't hide his gaze.

"I'll take you home."

"You're not one of my favorite persons in the world right now, so piss off! I will NEVER get into a car with you again, you hear me!?" Robin yelled at him with all the strength she was able to make and her head felt dizzy. It didn't matter compared to the pleasure she got when she was able to say those words.

"Rob... bin?"

A soft voice made both of them turn their heads ahead. Shane had two Starbucks in his hands, but his eyes were shocked, focused on something...

Elliot's hand grabbing her arm.

Robin roughly retired the Raven's hand and took a deep breath. The Raven turned even more serious than before.

"Are you alright?" Shane asked to her.

"Yeah, don't worry." She forced a smile.

But the blond boy had a huge question mark in his face. Robin gave two steps toward him but Elliot pulled from her arm again, and she wildly turned back with anger.

"I won't tell Miller, alright!? Just LEAVE ME ALONE!"

The Raven kept his face blank and reached out his other arm. Her backpack hung from it. He let it fall on the floor to her feet. Robin turned red. Elliot glanced once more to Shane and turned around, silently walking to where the black car waited.

It was awkward to walk in silence with Shane. He seemed to be looking for the right words to say. Apparently, he wanted to ask about the Raven quite badly. He reached the Starbucks to her and, after five minutes of strolling around in silence, she decided to speak.

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