Chapter 3: Cruelty

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Joy had gotten up earlier. Robin followed her downstairs, already wearing their uniforms. Grandmother had made breakfast already. That was strange.

Oh, no, wait. Breakfast was only for Joy.

"You know I can't cook, lil sis." Joy apologized with a grin. She had probably noticed the bitterness in her face. "I always depend on you or grandma when I'm hungry!"

"And you can keep doing it, as far as I'm concerned, love." Grandmother sat with her on the table. Robin walked to the kitchen with the stomach in pain. Actually, she was in her Day of the Month, and her mood was the worst. She was hungry and just the thought of going back to Roslow made her feel horrible. Not that she had had an awful time yet, but it was tedious to start over. Her social life was null. How could she start talking to everybody after that stupid Batman joke in the classroom?

Gosh, what kind of idiot was my dad to put that name to a girl?

The subject didn't affect her. She had learned, thanks to her grandmother, that her parents hadn't loved her as much as they had loved Joy. Grandpa never denied it, but at least he took care of Robin as though he were her dad. She didn't want or need a mother to do everything for her. Robin had learned to take care of herself. But the picture of Joy and grandmother laughing in the table that morning made her burn in fury.

The two GRI gals. How cute.

"Is grandpa coming down, gr—Chr—grandmother?" She didn't know what to call that hateful monster anymore. Grandmother glanced at the watch.

"Don't bother him, he's probably tired. Yesterday was a rough day to him." The woman spoke coldly. "Why do you have the hot cakes box in your hand? You should stop eating or you'll look bigger and older than your old sister!"

"Oh! I... I didn't know I was carrying it!" Robin rushed to the kitchen again after a convincing smile to the monster.

Grandmonster. Tee-hee.

Grandmother was strict when it came to Pa's feeding, like she called it. Feeding, as though he were her pet.


Robin froze. Her grandmother was calling her by her name? That was weird. She went to the room where the two GRI Gals were having their happy breakfast and it was as though she was the black cloud in a sunny day. Grandmother didn't look at her straightly.

"I want you to start looking for a job." She said. Robin gulped, trying to disbelief what she had just heard.

"You want me to what? I just started classes..."

"I want you to find a job." She said and looked at Joy with praise. "Go get your jacket, honey."

"Yes, gran!" Joy flew away from the room, probably having no idea about the state of shock of her younger sister.

Dead silence.

"Like you heard, Robin." Grandmother continued, scornfully. "As you might have found out, I spent your grandfather's savings on the GRI so Joy could earn a place there. You and I know it had to be done. She was born to be in such status. It's unnecessary for you to be sent to those places, you're normal and you don't stand out for anything, but her future seems promising. I bet you want your sister to be happy, don't you?"

Lump in her throat.

"Since those savings were for your college, if I were you, I'd start looking for a job to save as much money as I could. Otherwise, you won't be able to get to college. And... seriously," She grimaced. "I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of having left you without the chance. Aren't you the one who likes to work hard for things?"

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