Chapter Twenty :Bodyguard

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Elliot was waiting in the hall. Fred and Jack had disappeared around the house, which was unusually empty. Even Robert had disappeared too. Robin could tell that Elliot hadn't been joking when he mentioned he was sick. His skin was usually tanned, but she could perceive an ill paleness beneath it. Around his eyes there were marked circles. And his untidy hair made him look unlike the rich wimpy kid he was.

"Hello, Nana." He couldn't hide his delight to see he had won the battle as she walked into the hall. "Sit down. I was just having a quick lecture."

Robin sat on the sofa in front of him and left her bag on the floor. His good mood was more alarming than ever. Then, she noticed what he was holding in his hands. It was her contract.

"Is that what I think--"

"It is." Elliot looked very condescending. She hated to feel she was at his mercy. "I was reading your contract, the one you signed to be employed here."

His smile was terrific.

"So what?"

"Guess what I found,"

He was so diabolic! He looked as happy as a kid with a new toy. Fred and Jack entered the room with cokes in their hands, chatting. Elliot greeted them, his mood getting better. Robin was getting scared.

"I can't get anything in my stomach right now." He mentioned when Jack offered him a coke. "It's still scrambled."

"Whose fault could it be?" Fred looked in a better mood too.

"Hey, can you tell me why the hell you brought me from the school to this place!? I'm getting sick of you!" She shouted with all her anger. The three, after a pause, cracked up. The girl got up of her seat and began to walk away. "Screw you!"

"Listen to this, Nana!" Elliot hurried to yell. "This contract states that 'in case no crew member is around to attend the needs of the master (that would be me), whatever they may be, the affected one...' That means, you, 'is obliged to fulfill the functions that are necessary for the satisfaction of the master.' You hear that?"

"This is getting interesting," Jack affirmed with a wide grin. Robin widely opened her eyes and took the contract from his hands to corroborate. It was true. Goddamit, why hadn't she read it more carefully!?

"How many crew members have you seen ever since you got here?" Fred asked her amusingly and the other two laughed really hard. "Jack and I went to check around the house. There is absolutely no one."

"Free day for everyone." Elliot added. "I was planning to fire them, but what would be the fun in that? I can do this whenever I want. Call me 'Sir' from now on, since I'm calling you Nana, like you asked, remember?"

Robin left the contract on the table with a blank face as they laughed idiotically. None had noticed she had a lump on her throat. Miller surely wasn't in the house. The Ravens had managed to get everyone out.

Try to see the bright side of things. Now, this was what she could call a job.

By doing this, she would make sure she'd get a well earned paycheck instead of getting it for doing nothing more than to control Elliot didn't die. This was better than being bribed. But he didn't know, he couldn't know, otherwise, he would stop her.

She waited until her voice was clear enough.

"What do you want me to do first... Sir?"

Here is the list of chores Robin had to do for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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