7- The Second Result

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Author's Note: Picture is of Jessica Alba playing Irsa, the evil woman :P

Haha, so you guys didn't give me the reads I wanted but that's okay. I update on Fridays so here's one for today. Enjoy!

Chapter 7- The Second Result

Dear Musa and Ruhayl,
Remember the day Mamma cooked us chocolate muffins? Mamma had told us about Ruhayl and we were mad because we didn't want a little brother. To make up for it, Mamma baked muffins. Remember how we grimaced when we saw them? They looked burned. And when we bit into them, the melted chocolate filled our mouths and our smiles were so wide, it was a wonder our faces hadn't split. Remember, Moose? That was the only time we ate chocolate.
I made something with chocolate today. I didn't eat it though. If you were there, I would have. But it didn't feel right. On Ruhayl's next birthday, save up for chocolate, okay? And when you eat it, remember me.
Mamma told us not to judge by appearances. It's so hard to sometimes. Sometimes, you meet people who you want to judge by appearances. I met someone like that. I can't stop judging him for his actions. I wish you were here. You would prevent me from being so negative. Do you think-

The door flung open and Shifa walked in with a tray. Dinner. Myeesha put away the letter and stood up to take it from her. She had expected Shifa to leave after that and was surprised to see the maid wringing her hands and biting her bottom lip, rooted in her spot.

"Shifa? Are you okay?"

"Yes!" Shifa blurted out. Myeesha stepped back and held up her hands. "Um, I'm sorry. I-I wanted to talk to you about something."

Myeesha relaxed and smiled. "Of course. Come sit. We'll have dinner together."

"Oh no, I-" Shifa began to protest when Myeesha sat her down on her bed and passed her the plate of spiced chicken.

"I can't finish this by myself." Myeesha picked up a piece and her eyebrows shot up. Shifa reluctantly ate some before Myeesha prodded, "All right. I'm listening."

"Okay, so I know a man from since we were both babies. And I always thought I might- you know?"

Myeesha chuckled in amusement. "Go on."

"Well, I was wrong. There's another man and I think I love him. I just met him though and I can't be sure. But he- he's so sweet! And nice and cute and- and he has such an amazing voice!" The wistful expression was replaced with anxiety. "The first guy proposed. What do I do?"

Myeesha wrinkled her nose and slowly munched on a bit of chicken. "I'm a bit confused. Do you love the first man or the second?"

"The second. I think," she added with a small frown. "He makes me feel things the second doesn't. Like butterflies."

"Right. This is a difficult one."

Shifa sighed and dropped her head in her hands. "Have you ever loved anyone?"

Myeesha shrugged. "I love my brothers."

"No. Another man."

She shook her head. "You should do istahara."


"It's basically a process in which you ask for Allah's choice in the matter. I'll teach you the Dua'a. Inshallah, Allah will show you the right answer. He'll either put it in your heart or you'll see it in a dream or the path will be made easier for you to obtain or abstain from that thing. Whichever way it is, you'll know for sure what to do."

Shifa's face lit up. "Oh thank you, Myeesha!" She exclaimed. "That's just what I need. Thank you so much."

"No problem. Here, I'll write down the Dua'a. That would be better." Myeesha took out a piece of paper from the drawer of the bedside table and jotted down the Arabic lettering. Afterwards, she told her the way to perform the Dua'a properly.

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