15- The Heir's Past

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Author's Note: ^ Picture of Victoria Justice as a younger version of Za'yaal's mother, Lady Mayyda of Dragos.

HEEEEEY! This is part one of The Heir's Past which I'm updating on a THURSDAY. Yay me :D There will be two parts because it was too long to fit in one chapter so I had to divide it. If you guys are sweet (like always really, I'll update again on Monday, In Shaa Allah) I can't believe it though. . . there's like only a bit of updates left (like 5)! And then depending upon your response, I will continue with the second part. But then again . . . I might just leave it off and be all evil writer on you! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA-coughcough. Excuse me . . . *grins sheepishly*

CONGRATULATIONS TO AUSTRALIA FOR WINNING THE CRICKET WORLD CUP 2015!! I may be seen as a traitor but I love that team! More so than the Pakistani one who really disappoints at times -__-

I've given three exams, thank Allah, and have only four left. But these ones are REALLY spaced out. My next one is on next WEDNESDAY. Like gosh. I don't need that big of a break for Chemistry! Bleh. Stupid datesheet maker thingies.

Oh and for some reason, Wattpad won't tell me my ranking anymore. Which is weird . . . I thought it had something to do with the Mature Content warning I put up like there can't be mature content in Spiritual or something. Or maybe my book just sucks and they kicked me out. I have no idea. Do any of you know something about that?

OH AND WARNING!! THIS STORY WILL HAVE MATURE CONTENT!! But only mentions- Like, I don't do the deep smexy stuff. I mean, as long as you guys don't want anything risqué. THERE WILL BE MENTIONS OF RAPE, SEXUAL ASSAULT AND MAYBE SOME MATURE FLUFF!! WARNING!! BEEDO BEEDO. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Okay, enough of that. On with the chapter! It's in italics because it all occured in the past. Omar's character is based on my brother. He's an idiot. But he's a loyal idiot. You'll find out what I'm rambling about by the end of the chapter :D

Chapter 15: The Heir's Past

A woman stood in the garden, her feet bare and her arms spread open. Her dark brown hair was tied in a bun and hidden beneath a peach scarf. She was wearing a loose white dress that complimented the swell at her waist. Her features were soft and kind, her beautiful hazel eyes twinkling in serenity. She breathed in the fresh air, giggling when a butterfly fluttered near her cheek. The wet grass tickled her toes and heels. The breeze was simply delightful.

"Good morning, my love," a low, husky voice whispered in her ear as an arm came up to wrap around her waist.

"Good morning, Zuleym," she replied and tilted her head to place a sweet kiss on his cheek.

The thirty-seven year old man standing with his chest pressed to her back was tall and well-built. His eyes were a light shade of blue and his hair was charcoal black. He had a light stubble framing his strong jaw that caused his high cheekbones to appear more refined. He was dressed in a suit lacking the coat and tie.

He caressed her large belly lovingly and trailed kisses from her lips to her jaw and her cheeks. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, much better. I think he'll be here in a few days."

"I hope so," he answered, excitement visible in his tone. "Have you thought of names, my love?"

"I think Za'yaal wants to decide," she tapped his nose. "It's only right seeing as we named him."

Zuleym laughed. "Mayyda, that boy will name him something wild. I don't trust him to choose a normal human being name."

"What's the worst he can come up with?" She played along, rubbing his temples in a soothing manner. He had a meeting earlier that morning, while she was asleep, and she knew how stressed he got afterwards.

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