17- The Kidnapping

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Author's Note: ^ The gorgeous cover HaFsA_JaN made me. A huge THANK YOU to her for taking out time and designing it! JAZAKILLAH!! <3

Whoa. Okay. Pause. The mature content thing was fixed and GUESS WHAT!! I've made 24 on the list! Whoo!! Jazakamullahu khairan katheera to everyone who has read this story, voted and sent in precious comments. I've gotten about 1200 reads since I updated on Monday. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? You guys are the BEST!! Virtual hug and cookies for everyone! (>__<)

I would also like to say a huge WELCOME to all my new readers :D And the gorgeous amount of follows and dedications I've been getting. Seriously. You know how to spoil me! *tries to giggle* *fails miserably*

This chapter is VERY short. I'm sorry but it just didn't go together with the next one so I split it into two seperate chapters. But no worries. The next one will be out on Monday, In Shaa Allah :D

Oh and I've also decided that I'll wait a day to put up the dedication. Ya know, to see who actually liked the part :)

Enjoy! And don't hesitate to send in feedback!

Chapter 17- The Kidnapping

Za'yaal did not dream. He couldn't remember the last time he had. But that afternoon, as he lay on a bed he had never slept in before, he dreamed of the most horrific thing. He was in the stone room again, fighting the binds around his hands and legs. He saw his mother, hunched in a corner, crying as she clutched her bleeding stomach. But something was wrong. His mother did not cover her face. He realized with a start that she wasn't his mother. This was Myeesha. Pure, innocent, kindhearted Myeesha. And that wasn't his brother on the floor. It was his child.

He bolted up; sweat dripping down his pale face. His heartbeat was frenzied and his stomach churned. He looked around, hating the darkness surrounding him. On unsteady legs, he managed to rip away the covers and tumble out of the room. Once in the brightly lit hallway, he took a deep breath. One of his guards moved to help him and Tyron quickly took his other side. Za'yaal waved them off.

"Myeesha," he breathed out. "Get Myeesha. And Midas."

He needed to reassure himself they were both all right.

"Yes, sir," Tyron replied and shooed two guards away to get them. He helped Za'yaal into a chair and a maid passing by went to get him some water. One of the guards returned with Midas and Za'yaal scowled when he saw who was behind him.

"Za'yaal! What happened, bro?" Midas asked, anxiety visible on his face.

Za'yaal momentarily glared at Musa, ignoring Shifa completely, before answering his friend. "I had a really bad dream. Where's Myeesha?"

Musa hated how familiar his sister's name sounded coming from his mouth.

"She was in her room last I saw her, about an hour or two ago. Said she had to pray." Midas licked his suddenly dry lips. "But that shouldn't take two hours, should it?"

Musa's eyes widened, Shifa clenched her hands tightly and Za'yaal blanched. "No."

"Don't worry, man. This place is totally secure."

"Not as secure as I'd hoped it would be," Za'yaal mumbled under his breath.

Just then the second guard came running down the hallway, his forehead creased. "Boss! Boss, I found this!"

He waved a piece of paper and Za'yaal shot out of his chair, snatching it up and reading it hurriedly.

'Hand over the seat of power and I will go easy on your birdie. Meet me on ship 5-1-2 and we will negotiate.'

"Fuck!" Za'yaal growled and Midas took the paper from him.

"Sir, Harrison is also missing from his post," the guard informed Tyron. Za'yaal's eyes widened.

Harrison . . . oh shit no.

An icy claw wrapped around his heart and Za'yaal nearly lurched forward. His dream swirled in his mind. He knew what the Gryder would do. He would give him a gun, with one bullet, and ask him to shoot Myeesha. No. Oh God no, no, no.

"Sir, we can send troops in there. The army perhaps . . . have the air force fly ahead," Tyron spoke as Musa took Za'yaal's chair to steady himself. The poor guy was practically on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

"No," Za'yaal hissed. "He'll be ready for something big. He'll hurt her."

Tyron arched an eyebrow. "Sir, do you propose you go in and do as he says?"

"No. I need a small team."

"I'm in," Shifa said instantly.

"Me too," Midas agreed.

"I'm not going to sit around waiting for you to mess up," Musa grumbled. "I'm going too."

"No," Za'yaal hissed. "None of you are going in. Midas and Shifa, I can't push you both into a death trap and Musa, Myeesha would kill me if she found out."

"Fire me," Shifa said. "But I'm going."

Musa and Midas nodded to show their solidarity. All three glowered at Za'yaal, daring him to refuse them again. He glared back and threw his hands in the air.

"Fine. Get killed. I don't give a damn."

Musa and Midas shared a smug look and Za'yaal's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. One of the guards stepped up.

"I'd like to go too, sir."

Za'yaal glanced at him and his heart warmed. "Uncle Adam, I don't-"

"I failed the previous Lady. I'm going to make it up by saving the next one."

"Of course, I'm going as well," Tyron stated.

Za'yaal didn't know how he felt about that one. He had been hoping Tyron would come. Tyron was the main father figure in his life now. He would need him to help him stay strong.

"I'm firing all of you when I get back. You can't even take orders properly."

Tyron, Midas, Shifa and Adam grinned. In the end, Za'yaal added Ashton, Yusuf and Keith to the group as well. He wanted to keep the rescue party small so they could easily sneak in and out. Nothing that would announce their presences. Once Myeesha was safe and in his arms, preferably, he would go back and rip the Gryder to shreds.

The plan was simple, really. But that was because none of them knew what exactly awaited them inside the ship. Whatever happened though, Za'yaal promised himself Myeesha would not pay for his bloodline.

Midas swore up and down that his best friend would be happy again and he would ensure that happiness.

Tyron vowed to never leave Za'yaal's side and to see the Heir smile like he once had when his family had been complete.

Musa pledged to keep his family together and safe. Myeesha was his sister, the only support he had left. He would save her at whatever costs.

Shifa made a secret oath to herself to unite the brother with his sister and the Heir with his Lady.

Adam declared not to fail this Lady. She would come home to Za'yaal and the House of Dragos would triumph over the House of Gryder once more. Like always. Like old times.

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