14- The Dampening Guilt

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Author's Note: ^ The lovely cover veiledservant made for me.

Dedicated to owntheuniverse because she is my best Aussie friend!

Hey, people! Haha, so I gave my exam and decided to update because you guys are just so immensely sweet and you deserve to know what happened after that little . . . episode. And for all you Za'yaal haters- um, well, I don't know what to say to you. Just to wait, I guess. You'll be finding out his past in . . . oh, the next chapter. Yay for that :D

And my exam . . . haha, you know that feeling you get when the invigilator gives you your sheet and you just stare at it knowing you're doomed to Hell and back? Sometimes it really sucks having a dad who's so intelligent (Mashallah) because then everyone thinks you're the next Einstein. But don't worry! I'll be sure to finish this book before I drop off the face of the planet :D


Thanks :)

Oh and a little side note, I do follow my followers back if they are active. Like if they vote and comment and are generally very sweet people. THANK YOU!!

Chapter 14- The Dampening Guilt

It came out in a broken whisper. Za'yaal blanched.

"I love you, Za'yaal."

His jaw tightened and he pushed away. What had he done? What had he done? Oh God no. He was going to rape her. He was about to claim her innocence. Fuck.

He fell back on his knees, his eyes wide in horror. The force of her words hit him then and he reeled in shock. She- she loved him. She loved him! She loved him monster and all. Oh- oh fuck.

He stumbled off her bed, his stomach lurching and twisting and jerking. He didn't look at her again. He couldn't. Not after what he had just done. He walked out, his head high and his heart paining. Midas rushed after him.

"Za'yaal! Za'yaal, wait!" He called. The Heir stopped in front of the elevator. "Don't run, man. Go tell her!"

"Tell her what? That I nearly fucking raped her?"

"You didn't," Midas took a deep breath. "You didn't rape her, Zay. You were going crazy about something."

"I didn't think she loved me," Za'yaal whispered and the dam broke.

Midas hadn't seen Za'yaal cry since his mother's death. He recoiled in surprise when he saw his childhood friend's eyes well up and a lone droplet slide down his pale cheek. Midas bit his bottom lip to keep from crying with him and instead wrapped his arms around him. Za'yaal leaned against him, their heads bumping lightly.

"Will she ever forgive me?"

"For not telling her? Zay, I doubt it," he rasped out in attempt to lighten the mood.

"How can she?" His voice broke. "H-how can she love me?"

"Because you're awesome," Midas rubbed his back soothingly.

"I-I need to be alone."

Midas frowned. "Are you sure?"

Za'yaal nodded and pulled back.

"I'll be waiting for you to call me in, okay?"

"Okay," Za'yaal answered with a ghost of a smile.

Midas watched him turn and leave. When he was gone from his sight, Midas whirled on his feet and headed back to Myeesha's room. He had to make sure she was all right too. He had hated himself for admitting he wouldn't help her if Za'yaal took her but it had been the truth. He just wished he hadn't had to say it out loud to her. Would she trust him again after that?

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