2- Admitted Attraction

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Author's Note: ^ Beautiful cover made by peachy456. Thank  you, sugar!

DO YOU GUYS REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?? Oh ALLAH! I cannot believe this. You people *pinches cheeks fondly* gave me 4,500 READS IN SIX DAYS!! SIX DAYS! FOUR. THOUSAND. FIVE. HUNDRED. Wow. I mean. I can't even. Wow. *wipes tear* Thank you. Thank you so much :')

This chapter is sort of a filler but we do learn some important facts and meet Musa's lady love ;)

I'm gonna keep this short because I bet yer all tired of listenin' to my ramblin'. So anyway, I'm so sorry if I haven't replied to some of your comments. I'm trying to reply to each one of you but my tablet has been messing up and I literally have had a really tough time. I'm going to try and reply to everyone but if I can't, I'm so sorry. Really. Just know that your commenting is highly appreciated and loved!

Chapter 2- Admitted Attraction

Midas dropped his car keys in a man's hand and took the card he offered. They walked into the restaurant and were whisked away to a table. Once seated, the waiter asked them for their preferred beverages. Midas ordered red wine and Musa opted for apple juice. Midas snickered at Musa's choice.

"Never drank alcohol before?"

"No and I don't plan to either," Musa replied. "It's haraam, you know."

Midas traced the rim of the glass with his forefinger, nodding slowly. "Yeah. It's hard to let it go though. I've been drinking since Za'yaal got our fake IDs made."

"Za'yaal drinks too?"

"Yeah, he used to be really bad right after his mom's death. He couldn't go to sleep without being a few good bottles in. It was awful. He's gotten better now. He only grabs a glass of vodka every now and then."

"Oh. How exactly did his mother die?"

"I don't know the details, just the main idea of what happened."

While they waited for their dinner, Midas having pre-ordered the best pizza flavors, the right-hand man told him what he knew and the new revelations that had taken place earlier. Musa listened silently, nodding in all the right places and not interrupting the red-haired man. When he finished, Musa was beginning to regret all the snide things he had said to the Heir.

"That's the thing with Za'yaal, he never piles his problems on others. He's kept all of this bottled in for five years and then Myeesha came along, cracking his walls. It's good that he's let it out but he would never have otherwise."

"I had no idea he'd been through so much. Especially how his dad acted after everything . . . wow," Musa wanted to murder the stupid man.

"Yeah, it was bad. Za'yaal had been freed and he really needed his dad to comfort him but Zuleym didn't. He got up and left. To others, his father is dead. No one besides the insiders know that Zuleym is still alive."

"So that's why Za'yaal is still the Heir of Dragos instead of the Lead."

"Exactly. Until it's confirmed that Zuleym is dead, Za'yaal will always be the Heir. And he's known as the Last because the outside world doesn't know Zuleym is alive. To them, the Lead was buried five years ago."

"When you find that idiot, please do tell me. I'd like to contribute a few punches as well."

Midas grinned in approval. "You'll have to get in line." He bit his bottom lip, a thoughtful expression passing his face. "But you wanna know something? If Zuleym came back, Za'yaal would probably forgive him in the blink of an eye."

Musa was surprised to hear that. "What?"

"That's the thing. Za'yaal has yearned for a family for so long. He loves his dad. A lot. To have even the slightest hint of a father back, he would do anything. He's just like that. He has a huge heart and it's empty right now. Well, until Myeesha came along."

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