8- The First Break

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Author's Note: Random cute kid as Ruhayl, Myeesha and Musa's baby brother.

Assalamuallikum, lovely readers! I'm so sorry for the delay in update. I know I promised one on Friday but we went over to my dad's place on Thursday and I couldn't find time there. And yesterday was pretty hectic because I had to help my dad grade some final-term papers for his students and that killed. Man, who knew grading papers could be so hard? It took all the energy right out of me. Anyway, here's the next update. Enjoy! In Shaa Allah, I'll try to get the next one out this Friday :D

Chapter 8- The First Break

Myeesha didn't see Shifa that day or the next. Another maid served her and didn't offer an explanation why. Myeesha hoped everything was all right. Not having anything to do or anyone to talk to, she headed over to the kitchen. Food always served as the best distraction.

She was searching for that amazing cookbook when Za'yaal entered. They groaned simultaneously.

"You again?" He grumbled.

Myeesha turned her back to him and continued her search. "You shouldn't stalk people. It's not nice."

"I'm not stalking you. I'm looking for coffee. Stupid maid can't make it right. Why the hell did Shifa ask for an off?"

Myeesha's ears perked up. "Shifa took an off?"

"Yeah. To deal with her stupid emotions or whatever." He began slamming cupboards. "Where the fuck is the coffee?"

"You have a beautiful tongue."

Za'yaal glanced at her through the corners of his eyes. "Wanna try it out?"

"N-no!" Myeesha spluttered.

"Feel free to grab me whenever you want," he smirked. "Find me the coffee."

"Maybe you're out."

Za'yaal looked horrified. "Of coffee? Shit no."

Myeesha's eyes lit up as she thought of something. "Can I go?"


"To get coffee. From the supermarket."

A chance to go out. Yes.

"And I won't try to escape because you have my brothers. Please?"

He found his heart fluttering at her hopeful hazel eyes. He'd already ruined her life plenty. Perhaps this was a way to redemption. A small step. But one, nonetheless.

"Fine. Let me get my coat."

Her eyes went round. "You're going with me?"

"I'm not going to let you go alone. I don't trust you that much."

Myeesha rolled her eyes. "All right then! Hurry up!"

"Don't order me around, woman. I'll take my sweet time getting ready."

"Like a girl," Myeesha chuckled.

He flicked her forehead. "Go put on your coat."

She swatted his hands away. "I don't have one."

"I'll have Miss Aisha bring one to you. Go."

She held up her hands in surrender. "I'm going, I'm going. Please be quick."

She practically skipped out of the kitchen, a wide smile on her face and her excitement evident. She was going outside! After four days, she was finally going to breathe in the fresh air again! She had lived her whole life in the forest with the birds and the trees. The cool water of the stream, the wet grass in the morning, the songs of delicate little winged animals- that was her life. And Za'yaal didn't refuse. He didn't put his foot down and growl. He was taking her outside!

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