19- The Wrenching Truth

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Author's Note: ^ Picture of Ajax Gryder, the dude you guys hate so much.

This chapter is dedicated to the AH-MAYZ-ING WiseLemon who surprisingly knew all the answers. Wow. Amazing.

Hehehe . . .

AAAAH! I'm having a little death moment here because this is the SECOND TO LAST update of this part. Yep. Part One: A Game That Destroys is comin' to an end, folks!

Now, it wouldn't be that huge of a deal but I'm thinking of taking a month or two off before I post the next part. I don't know why but I don't want to become overly obssessed with this site, ya know? And the book is so complex I literally have to go back and change something every time I type more. So I'll need time to edit too. But hopefully, I'll be motivated enough to get the second part out quickly, In Shaa Allah!

Moving on to the next order of business . . . I HIT THE 10k MARK!! WOOHOO!! You guys are such sweethearts and I cannot believe I've gotten so many reads, Alhamdulillah. THANK YOU AND JAZAKAMULLAH!


Hehe, so I REALLY wanted that dedication. And I decided to take it :P But no worries! There's like 80 updates and a good chance you'll be seeing your name, In Shaa Allah. So keep voting, commenting and making me tear up at how awesome you guys are!

I would like to thank @owntheuniverse, @RJRahim, @peachy456, @-blueberry123-, and @veiledservant for making some pretty good guesses. This chapter is partially dedicated to them for trying. Some of you actually hit the bull's eye! And you'll be knowing who did further on in this chapter :D

I would also like to welcome all my new readers to 'THE FAMILY'. @owntheuniverse suggested that name for all my beloved readers :)

Ship Name: ZAYEESHA!

Oh and my friend asked me who my favorite and not-so-favorite characters are so if any of you are interested, here they are:

Favorite: Myeesha, Zay baby and Mayyda

Not-so-Favorite: Shifa, Musa and Ajax (bleeh)


Chapter 19- The Wrenching Truth

Caged in. Like animals. Za'yaal scowled.

They froze when they heard the sound of footsteps. A door opened to their right and a single man walked out. Za'yaal paled. Those bloodshot eyes . . . the very same that had haunted him in his nightmares all those nights ago. He clenched his hands into fists. Not this time. He wouldn't hurt him this time. He would pay. That filthy son of a bitch would pay for killing his brother and mother.

"Welcome," the man spoke and smiled viciously. His dirty blonde hair was long, reaching the mid of his back and tied up in a greasy ponytail. His sharp blue eyes bore into Za'yaal's. Again the Heir was struck by how similar the Gryder looked to his father; the same fine nose, chiseled jaw and elegant cheekbones . . . Za'yaal grimaced knowing he too shared these features.

"Seems you were thinking about freeing my little birdie. Now, that's not very nice of you, is it?"

Midas kept his eyes trained on the man while casually slipping out his cell phone from his pocket. The Gryder was too busy glowering at Za'yaal to notice his quiet movements. Midas pressed the center of the screen and slid his finger across it, successfully unlocking the phone. He then pushed the home button harshly, knowing he had opened the keypad and dragged his finger over the first three digits. The rectangular device vibrated once, indicating his message had gotten across. He hastily slipped his cell phone back into his pocket and turned his focus back on the man.

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