18- The Grand Rescue

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Author's Note: ^ Awesome fanart scopian_16 made me! Thank you, sugar!


IMPORTANT: All of you who have NOT gotten a dedication, MESSAGE ME!! I seriously cannot remember who I dedicated chapters to and who I didn't. Stupid memory of mine . . . DON'T BE SHY!

Well, I have nothing else to say. Here's the third last chapter of this part 'A Game That Destroys'. The next chapter is the MOST vital of all chapters. And here, I have a set of questions for you (which will be answered in the next chapter):

1. Who killed Mayyda and why?

2. What happened to Zuleym?


4. What is the true enmity between the Gryder who killed Mayyda and Zuleym?

All righty, folks! Send me your lovely answers and whoever gets them right, the next chapter goes to her/him! And if none of you get them right . . . I'll just dedicate the chapter to myself! (Can I even do that?? =__=)

Now on with the chapter!

Chapter 18- The Grand Rescue

Bulletproof vests, guns, silencers, grenades, knives, star daggers, knee caps, hidden microphones and many sets of Bluetooth later, the team of nine was ready to save a certain niqabi. Za'yaal didn't waste time. He called in three Prados, split them up and ordered them to meet him a good distance away from the port. Uzmer was near the South Atlantic Ocean and the waters that surrounded it went from shallow to deep within the expanse of a few meters. Za'yaal was never one to enjoy swimming in such dangerous waters nor did he enjoy fishing or any other water sports. He barely had the time for them anyway.

Za'yaal rode with Midas and Tyron. Shifa went with Keith and Yusuf and Musa went with Ashton and Adam. Tyron drove fast, passing the other two cars easily while shouting orders for backup in his Bluetooth. Musa had taken a while to get ready, seeing as he had to soothe and lull Ruhayl first. Once the little boy was sound asleep, Musa was able to join them. Za'yaal did not mention the way Shifa fussed over that boy, telling the Heir constantly to wait for him. He had a vague hunch as to why Shifa had refused Midas's proposal but he did not bring it up. He had better things to worry about. Their love triangle could wait until after Myeesha's safety was guaranteed.

Ship 5-1-2 was not hard to find. It was a large white cruise ship, the only one drifting near the dock. It was brightly lit but they couldn't see any figures. The nine members gathered around and waited for Za'yaal to speak.

"Midas, Musa and Ashton are going with me," he said and looked at Tyron. "You'll be taking Adam, Yusuf, Shifa and Keith. That's a huge ship. We'll take one end and you take the other. Whoever finds Myeesha, calls for backup, got it?"

All of them nodded grimly. The gravity of the situation seemed to hit them then. None of them really knew how malicious the Gryder was. Za'yaal did though and he could only pray Myeesha was all right. He would not let the asshole live if he dared hurt her.

"Good luck," Midas whispered and pulled Shifa into a brief hug. She gave him a small smile and turned to Musa.

"I'll see you soon, yeah?"

Musa nodded. "Inshallah." The whole drive he had been praying to Allah to grant them courage, strength and the upper hand.

Za'yaal grabbed Midas's hand, shook Tyron's and they split up.

"I knew she liked him."

Za'yaal looked down. "I just figured it out too."

"He sure is something, isn't he? I never stood a chance with him in the picture."

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