6- The Second Challenge

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Author's Note: Picture of Chloë Grace Moretz as Shifa, Za'yaal's maid and friend.

Masha'Allah! I can't believe you guys got me to #46 on Spiritual. Like WOW. And all these lovely votes and comments... you guys are literally the BEST! I was so happy, I decided to update early (normally Friday is my update day). This chapter goes to niqabi who has always been there for me. Jazakamullahu Khairan! She's also the one who gave me inspiration for this story <3

Chapter 6- The Second Challenge

Myeesha cried. Crouching down in sajda, she sobbed. She didn't know what else to do. Za'yaal wasn't a monster. Za'yaal wasn't the villain. She had two brothers she would die for. And he had one brother he would never see again. It was wrong of him to seize her happiness. It was wrong of her to judge him. Losing his mother, his father, his brother . . . he didn't have a family. He was all alone. She cried for him. No one to joke with. No one to tease, no one to fight with. No one to love. No one to love him. She feared only one thing in her life. Solitude. Za'yaal had been alone all this time. He didn't even have Allah who he refused to acknowledge.

She prayed three prayers without moving from her spot. She wanted to pray for him. Pray that he found a wife that would teach him to love again. Pray that he would find Allah. Pray that he wouldn't be alone anymore.

Her eyes were red and sore by the time Shifa came with dinner. The maid was startled to see Myeesha crying.


She sniffed and wiped away her tears. "I'm fine."

"No you're not. What did Master do?"

"I was just wrong for judging when I really don't know anything about him."

Shifa was shocked. "He opened up?"

Myeesha shook her head. "No. He mentioned his brother."

"Oh. Well, he died with his mother."

Myeesha frowned. "That can't be right. Za'yaal- he acted like he knew his brother. Are you sure?"

"That's not possible. The Lady never gave birth. She was-"

Whatever Shifa was going to say was interrupted by a knock on the door. Myeesha hastily covered her face while the maid went to check who it was. Much to their surprise, Midas walked in.

"Message from Za'yaal," he tossed an envelope at her. "The next challenge."

Myeesha caught it and ripped it open. Shifa left then, seeing as she had more trays to deliver.

Midas chuckled at Myeesha's rush. "Eager much?"

Myeesha read the challenge and frowned. "Cook for me? Huh?"

"Oooh, that's a good one. Usually after Za'yaal's spent time in the past and skipped a few dozen meals, he gets really hungry. How's your cooking?"

"Um, okay? I don't know how to make sophisticated dishes. What do we have to cook?"

Midas walked over and read the letter. Shrugging, he answered, "Anything. I'll give you a tip though, since you might end up being my little wifey and neither of us really wants that. Za'yaal loves chocolate."

Myeesha laughed. "Za'yaal? Loves chocolate?"

"Yep," he popped the 'p'. "You'll have a lot of time to figure something out because you're in the end and Za'yaal isn't going to eat all sixteen dishes in one go."

"What if someone tries to poison him?"

Midas looked at her skeptically. "Woman, seriously? The Heir of Dragos? He's been through hell and back. He's been shot countless times, maimed and stabbed. I doubt little bitty poison is going to take him out."

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