5- Troubling Threats

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Author's Note: ^ AMAZING cover made by @Fangirldreams2000 and @owntheuniverse! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Isn't it so gorgeous? *sniffs*

There won't be a long note this time, hehe. But I do want to thank you all for giving me 5,000 reads in this past week alone! And we've reached 2,000 votes and almost 100 followers! Whoo. Jazakamullah, thank you, shukriya, merci- many languages later- YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!

Oh and dudes, I put up a warning in my previous note for a reason. There WAS crude language and you guys need to STOP telling me to not swear. I'm not five years old. I KNOW swearing is haram, blah, blah. I KNOW it's not a good thing. But then again, many of us know what things are wrong and we do them any way, right? So I won't chew your ears out on YOUR sins and you won't on mine. Got it? Good.

You can ask my siblings how bitchy I get if someone points out I'm not a good Muslim. I absolutely hate people who judge. NO ONE is perfect. Not even you. So I'd thank you to keep your piety and judging comments to yourself. Gosh. I'm freaking TIRED of sending out hate signals but ya'll need to stop.


Chapter 5- Troubling Threats

Myeesha held the phone to her ear and waited. Za'yaal picked up on the second ring.

"Heir of Dragos. What do you want, Yusuf?"

"Um, Za'yaal?"

"Myeesha?" She could almost see him smile. "Hey baby. What's going on?"

"Uh, Yusuf gave me a credit card and said I was supposed to buy stuff."


"But didn't you already get me dresses?"

"I bought only twenty, Myeesha. All of them casual. You need proper gowns."

Myeesha gasped. "Twenty? Za'yaal! That is more than enough. What am I going to do with twenty dresses?"

"My mother had seventy casual dresses, over a hundred gowns and don't get me started on the amount of formal outfits she had. You're going to be the Lady of Dragos, Myeesha. My Lady. I won't settle for anything but the best for you."

Myeesha's face fell. "But- but I've never done this before. I've always had three dresses, Za'yaal. I . . . I'm sorry."

It wasn't right of her to pile her insecurities on him. She wanted to marry him. She wanted to be his. He was trying to make her happy and provide for her. She was being highly ungrateful.

A small pause.

"Hold on. I'll be right there."

Myeesha's eyes widened and she was about to stop him, he had important matters to handle, but he'd already cut the phone. Less than five minutes later, she heard the elevator ding and the three men step out. Tyron was shouting orders on his Bluetooth and cell phone, Midas was rolling his eyes and looking exhausted and Za'yaal brightened up when he saw Myeesha.

"I want it cleared in five minutes!" Tyron yelled. "And get me the surveillance vans. They need to get their asses here or I will fire each and every last one of you! Have I made myself clear, asshole?"

Musa snickered and Myeesha covered Ruhayl's ears. Yusuf and Ashton saluted their boss and Za'yaal nodded once at both of them.

"I have a meeting with the Prime Minister in two minutes," he said to Ashton. "Tell him I don't have the time to make him understand why I didn't choose his daughter. If he gets mad or yells, topple him. I don't want that bastard heading my country. If he argues, get him on the phone with me."

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