Chapter 53

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The journey continued for a long time, my eyes had already shut themselves down while Xiao Ruo slept sweetly on the back.

Juan and Yu Han were talking in front, each of them relieving their memories of one another.

"It's been five years or so, I can't believe that the Jie Jie I know is a mother now" Yu Han joked, his eyes clear of the reminiscence of the past.

"Well, fate has a funny way of letting me experience what true motherhood is" Juan retorted, she remembers how she's like a mother hen watching over her young chick.

Those times where they were cutthroat in every way, she still remembers to hide some piece of bread or fruit she got from the orphanage's backyard and how they are together with that flimsy food they had gathered.

Those moments reflected their hardships but their eyes held joy each time they huddled close together.

"Yeah, I remember those times, the back of my head still hurts" Yu Han chuckled as he caresses the back of his head.

"You'll get spoiled if you didn't get hit by me" Juan retorted making Yu Han chuckled once more.

The two of them continued reminiscing while I watched them in interest. This part of Juan's life was something that she never learned of and is still continuously learning. Though it didn't make her feel uncomfortable, it leaves her curious about her unknown memories.

They should've lived together, shared the same past and present, and should've stayed in each other's sight. But fate decided to tear them apart, the trajectory of their life remains worlds apart. Both of their social status in the society, their living condition, and built their relationships with different people.

They have shared the same womb and have also shared the same liking for a man.

It was funny, to realize that the sister you're family loves and hides from you would eventually be the reason for your pain and growth. If she could have just-

"JuJu? Do you want to eat something?" Her thoughts were interrupted when Juan asked her.

"I want to eat your strawberry sandwich mommy!" She smiled and take the sandwich from the food basket inside the car and handed it to me which I enthusiastically thanked her.

The drive to Shining park continued, Xiao Ruo was awoken and I pulled him to my side to practice our audition talent.

Soon after, we saw the massive park along with the mass of people surrounding the arena where the main land's talent show would take place.

"We're here!" Xiao Ruo shouted while I agree, I can already see my victory, I will finally get red and hopefully reach my goal!


Meanwhile, the man finally reached his motherland, the place where she and he live. It's been years since he's stepped foot of this land, after her death or so he thought, he has never thought of stepping on this land anymore.

What's the point? She's no longer here, there's no more point in coming here, it's like he's just piercing a knife in his heart every time he remembers this place.

He's not like the weak and impulsive young man from before, he has grown into a callous and cold hearted man who will never bend his will.

He won't be forced against his will anymore nor silently suffer and endure all the unjust things that's thrown to him before.

No long after, he reached his car and took the keys from his assistant in this place.

"Mr. Wu is already waiting for you in his headquarters" his assistant relayed, he nodded his head and drive.

The heavens has been cruel to him, for his entire life all he has felt was hopelessness and lived a numb, miserable life without her existence. But now, it seems like the heavens has been looking fondly upon him, though  he has never believed into any deities above nor God people knew of, this time he will believe.

For she wouldn't have lived until this day if it weren't for her strong will and the fate of the heavens.

Chapter 53 is up!

Argh! Will they meet though? We'll see!

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and healthy!

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