Chapter 1: Welcome Back

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(This story is going to be a spin-off story to 'The Next Best Thing', this will have no connection to 'The Next Best Thing', so if you want to read this and not that story then that's fine. Enjoy!)


August 20th.

Becky and Alexa was sat with Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre and Aj Styles, in Becky's home, as it is now the anniversary of the disappearance of their friend and loved one, Logan Kenway...

Becky and Logan met on the independent scene in the UK, Becky being from Ireland and Logan being from Portsmouth England, they quickly became good friends and this went on for a few years and when they got to NXT they met Alexa and the trio quickly became inseparable.

After a few years Alex confessed to Logan and the both started dating and were happy, but it all went wrong for Logan when Becky confessed shortly after, but it all was Ok again when the trio talked about it as Alexa and Becky agreed to share him.

The trio lived happily with each other in Orlando, but then Becky and Alexa was called up to the main roster but Logan wasn't but that's only because Hunter said he still had plans for Logan, but as soon as they were done, Logan would join them on Monday Night Raw, and after another year Logan did in fact join them, he even proposed to Alexa and Becky both of whom said yes, but 4 months before there wedding... Logan disappeared, and Alexa and Becky heard it all 'Maybe he just got cold feet' and 'He will be back soon' but he never came back and when Becky and Alexa came home on that day to find everything in place, except no Logan...

He was gone but his keys, wallet and the watch Alexa and Becky got him on their first anniversary was still there and that's when they new something was wrong as he never went more than 5 yards away from it, but right now, Becky and Alexa are upset thinking about the man they loved while the trio of guys are sad there friend is gone, but they all believe he is and will be Ok...

Aj: I can't believe it's been 3 years already.

Drew: Aye, it seems like only yesterday, that this wee boy came to Raw and called Lesnar out for a Universal title fight.

Randy: He's a good kid... To Logan, may he find his way home.

He said holding his beer in the air.

Everyone else: To Logan.

Becky and Alexa were sat next to each other, as Aj and Randy are opposite them as Drew is sat in an armchair nearby.

Randy: How are you two doing?

Alexa: I'm Ok, I guess. 

Becky just shrugged, the conversation changed to a random topic, and the just had small talk until both Alexa's and Becky's phone went off at the same time, Alexa looked to see a text and the same with Becky, both opened there phones to see the exact same message.

'I'm coming home.'

The girls showed the guys but they were confused and didn't understand it either, so they just forgot about it and assumed it was the wrong number, they went back to talking about random stuff, but after a while the guys obviously had to leave, they had their families to get to, once everyone said their goodbyes and the guys left Becky looked at Alexa.

Becky: You wanna stay here the night?

Alexa nodded, the two still spent a lot of time together, it takes a strong friendship and a lot of trust to share something as big as a boyfriend, the two remained close after Logan's disappearance, but they did try dating others, like Becky dated Seth for a little while, but Seth could tell Becky still wasn't over Logan, so they ended things mutually and respectfully, but Alexa on the other hand, she started dating a guy named Brad Higgins and he wasn't very nice, he would cheat on Alexa constantly and not wanting to be alone again, Alexa would always welcome him back with open arms, but know it's starting to get worse as he is now starting to belittle Alexa and make her feel worthless, Becky knew about this and couldn't do anything about it as Brad would hurt Alexa more and Becky didn't want that as she still cared for Alexa.

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