Chapter 16: Elimination Chamber & A New Challenge

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Today is the big day... the first ever title defence for the WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship, Logan will take part in his first eve Elimination Chamber match against, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, Braun Strowman, Randy Orton and Logan is starting first against Roman Reigns, Alexa is defending her title against Charlotte Flair who bitched her way to a new title shot because Sonya has the spine of a gummy bear, but what Logan didn't know is there is a new plan in the near future, whether he wins tonight or not, this is happening...

Alexa and Logan are ready as Becky puts her jacket on as she's standing ring side for Alexa's match, Alexa is set to lose as they start the new storyline tonight and it will end at Wrestlmania, Alexa is wearing her a new edition of her Harley Quinn outfit as Logan is dressed in the colours of the Joker, but now is time for Alexa and Becky to go and kick some ass.

Alexa: See ya, soon pudding.

She says imitating Harley and kissing Logan's cheek, Becky chuckles and also kisses his cheek and says her bye as the duo left... Logan looked at Nathan as Nathan looked back.

Logan: Mommy Lex is taking this Harley role to serious... don't you think?

Nathan nodded at his Father, the thing Logan, Becky and Alexa have noticed is Nathan is shy, Nathan can talk small sentences now but when their out in public Nathan doesn't say a word, but for the time their going to let Nathan do what he wants, as a lot of babies at his age get shy, but in better news Nathan can walk now, not long distances but he can walk form the kitchen counter to the sofa without falling on his bum, so he's getting there, but right now Logan is sat on the floor with Nathan as they watch Alexa's match...


Alexa did in fact lose her match against Charlotte, but in doing so started a rivalry the WWE won't forget in a short time.

Alexa and Becky got backstage to see Logan standing with Nathan waiting for the two, Nathan could tell Alexa was upset as he went straight to her and gave her a hug, Becky and Logan smiled at the scene as Logan's match was next and his opponents started to crowed around, first was Roman.

Roman: How you been Us.

He said giving Logan a friendly hug.

Roman: I haven't seen you since NXT.

Logan: And tonight... were gonna tear the roof off...

Drew: To right we are...

Logan turned around to see his good friend Drew, the two also shared a hug as Becky and Alexa watched on with smiles as more and more of Logan's opponents joined them at the gorilla...


Roman is in his pod, Drew is in his, Orton in his and Strowman in his as Owens is in the ring waiting for the WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion, and after a few seconds the fans get what they want as Logan's music hit...

Logan came out in his Joker get up and his new WWE Universal title around his waist as the fans loved it... not just the belt but the fact he and Alexa had this shared get up, Logan made his way to the ring and jumped in the Chamber as he marvelled at the sight of the massive structure...

Cole: Before we get into the action, Corey did you know that Logan Kenway is the first ever WWE Superstar to request his first title defence to be inside the Elimination Chamber...

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