Chapter 14: Kenway Vs Lesnar

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Logan is in his and Alexa's shared locker room as Logan is working the bags with Khabib and Becky and Nathan are spectating, Logan said he didn't want them out there as Brock has been known to attack anyone, regardless of their gender... Becky wanted to be out there with him but she understood that Logan is worried, he's not scared... he's just worried about his family's safety, so as Logan was warming up Brock made his entrance...


Cole: Welcome WWE universe to the Main Event of Survivor Series... you know Corey, I don't remember the last time WWE had to put a parental warning on one match, but this one has one...

Graves: You got that right, this is the fight of the century... Smackdown Vs Raw... a Beast against a Alpha Wolf... the Universal Champion Vs the WWE Champion... this is truly a clash of the titans.

Cole: And let's not forget that this is 5 years... in the making, and if we listen to the crowed here in Austin Texas they are ready for this battle...

Brock just climbed into the ropes as they continue and Logan makes his way to the gorilla as Khabib and his team make their way to their front row seats, Becky, Alexa and even Nathan are watching the Tv with worry as Logan goes up against his biggest opponent yet...

Cole: Before this match get's underway, what's your prediction Corey?

Graves: Well, on one hand we have the Beast incarnate Brock Lesnar, multi time WWE Champion and he even won a title a few times in the UFC, but on the other, we have the Alpha Wolf, Logan Kenway... I don't think I have ever seen a man so driven to prove that he's the best... he hasn't been pinned in over 7 years now... but I still can't say, who will win...

Cole: Logan has also been training for this fight, with none other then UFC great Khabib Nurmagomedov...

Graves: Honestly the only thing I can guaranty the fans is, there will be Carnage.

Cole: That there will Corey, and speaking of which, here comes the WWE Champion now.

Logan came out after the 30 seconds wearing a pair of shorts and his hands are tapped up, he walked down to the ring with his title in hand, but when he got to the bottom of the ramp he throw the title to the side and slid in the ring and once again put Brock on the defensive as Brock slide out the ring as Logan stood tall staring daggers at the Beast, as Brock slowly recuperated and he looked at Logan and did that weird chuckle he did and he throw of his gloves, the crowed cheered as this normally meant Brock was getting serious but Logan still didn't look fazed, Becky and Alexa are near panic mode as they watch the fight go one with Nathan sat on Becky's lap playing with a toy, Logan backed up in the corner letting Brock get in the ring and Becky and Alexa watched but then there attention was dragged away from the Tv.

Nathan: Da da...

Becky and Alexa looked at the young boy as he watched the Tv holding his arms out wanting Logan to hold him... Becky shed a tear as she smiled at her son's first word and Alexa hugged them both as they had a small celebration together then went back to watching the Tv as Logan and Brock are now circling each other, Logan was the first to strike as he went for a high knee but Brock dodged it and wrapped his arms around Logan's mid section and Brock sent Logan on a one way trip to suplex city, it went like that for a few moments till Logan managed to lad on his feet as Brock stayed on his knees, Logan charged at Brock and hit his knee in Brock head hopefully putting the beast down for good...

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